Chapter 28

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It's been a couple months since the whole Bentley thing. He got arrested because everyone's parents threatened to sue the school if they didn't do anything. I still talk to some of the girls, but not most of them. Alex and I haven't been the best. Last week we got into an argument while at my dorm and things got crazy. He told me he didn't love me and that I should leave him because he just uses girls until he gets what he wants and then he throws them away. It hurt when he told me that, I got really upset and yelled at him to leave. Not caring that everyone was in the living room listening to the whole conversation. I haven't seen Alex since then.

"Ok sunshine this is your stop" David announced as we stopped at my English class. "You know you don't have to walk me to class everyday" I smiled and hugged him "it's an honor" he smiled as we pulled away causing me to laugh. "I'll see you later?" I asked and he nodded.

I walked into my class and took my seat quietly.

About halfway through the class the doors opened. I glanced up to see who it was, I met his eyes. "Yes alex?" My professor spoke up. Alex completely ignored everyone else and watched me. I tore my gaze away and continued with my work. "Coach needs me during your class, can I get the work for today?" Alex finally spoke up. I heard some shuffling for a few minutes before the door opened and closed. I exhaled a breath i didn't know I was holding.

After my classes finished for the day I walked out of my last class and headed towards the parking lot. "hey sunshine" David walked to me and rested his arm across my shoulders. "how was your day?" he asked "I saw alex" I told him quietly "How'd that go?" he asked as we walked towards his car "we didn't talk to each other, he just grabbed some work from the professor" I told him and stopped at his car. "it'd just be so much easier to forget about him if he didn't pop up randomly" I told him "I know" he replied. I glanced up past David's gaze and noticed Alex across the parking lot. I watched as a girl got out of his car and started kissing him. "what are you-" David started and turned around to see Alex "let's go" he said, we both got into his car and left.

Whenever we got to my dorm everyone was getting ready to go to the game. "I'll stay here with you" David told me while everyone ran around grabbing things. "No you don't have to, you can go if you want" I told him and sat on the couch "why go to some stupid game when I can stay here and watch movies?" He smiled.

Once everyone left David ordered pizza and we watched movies for the rest of the night.

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