Chapter 16

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"so why were you so weird whenever I picked you up earlier?" Brooklyn asked once we were finished getting dressed. We studied then got food and got ready for the game. "I was having an awkward conversation with Alex right before you picked me up" I confessed "about?" she asked "nothing important" I told her as Mason and David knocked on the door. "Ok but we're continuing this later" she said as we left.

We walked to our normal seats and waited for the game to start.

I noticed a group of people sit a few rows behind us. They looked familiar but I couldn't pinpoint who they were. I got engulfed in a conversation between Brooklyn, Madison, mason, and David.

Once the game started everyone was excited. I tried paying attention, i really did. But my eyes were glued on a specific bark brown, green eyed guy. #15 Alex Johnson. He moved swiftly around the infield, covering first base as well as second and shortstop. He was everywhere. The crack of a bat drew my attention away from alex. I noticed the guy that swung threw the broken bat onto the clay and took off for first. The ball went out into the outfield right in between first and second base. Alex took off running towards the outfield. The ball was about to hit the ground whenever Alex jumped chest down onto the grass and caught it, he held up his glove to show the umpire and twisted his body around and threw the ball to third base and got that runner out. The game was over. The crowd went crazy. I stood up and cheered along side everyone else as I watched the guys clap and high five the other team.

I waited until the baseball team were making their way out. I saw Alex and ran to him. I hit his chest really hard so he took a few steps back and hugged me. "You played amazing!" I smiled up at him "thanks" he replied and kissed me softly "hey about earlier when you ran out on me-" he started but we were interrupted by a man clearing his throat behind me. I turned around and saw the group that was behind me. "Hello Alexander" the older man said "dude that was great!" Another guy said "you took off man, I bet even usain bolt couldn't do what you did!" Another guy said causing alex to laugh "hey guys" Alex smiled and hugged the two guys along with a girl. I felt a little bit jealous because they looked at each other with so much love and admiration whereas the guys just look like friends "Anastasia this is my family-" he started "this is Chris, Ronnie, Pauline, my father Patrick, and my mom Casey"  he finished while pointing to everyone as he introduced them "and who's this?" His sister asked. I can't believe I felt jealous, it's his sister! "This is Anastasia, my girlfriend" he introduced me "girlfriend huh-" Ronnie started "I thought you didn't do labels?" He asked "I didn't" alex said while wrapping a hand around my waist "nice to see some things have changed" his dad stated. "It's so nice to meet you" his mom pulled me into a hug "it's nice to meet all of you as well" I smiled politely "what classes are you taking?" His dad asked me "well I'm taking my general classes, but after they're finished I'm going to start working on becoming a nurse or surgeon I haven't decided which one yet" I confessed "being a surgeon is a great career choice!" His dad applauded "they're highly trained and they have wonderful technique" he continued "I highly recommend that path" he finished "father can you please not lecture her with life choices right now?" Alex asked "Patrick take it slow" Casey said softly. "would you like to join us for a late dinner? We didn't have time to stop whenever we got here" his mom asked "no thanks we have plans" Alex rudely told her "dinner won't be that bad" I rubbed his back "but-" Alex started "I'd love to join you if that's ok" I told his mom. I noticed his sister sent him a confused look but I ignored it. "no we have plans" Alex announced "Alex" I whispered "it's just dinner dude" Ronnie said "fine" Alex said and walked towards his car. I sent his family a tight smile and followed after him. Once I got to his car and got in with my seatbelt on Alex backed out really fast and drove off. "slow down!" I told him as I gripped the door handle "Alex!" I shouted getting worried but he ignored me.

Whenever we arrived at the restaurant Alex got out and slammed his door shut and stormed off into the building. I found out table and sat next to him. His sister was on the other side and his mom and dad in front next to Chris while Ronnie was next to me. "so how's your school work son?" his dad spoke up halfway through the meal. I only got a water and a small salad and Alex got a burger with fries so I occasionally stole one when he wasn't looking. Which was rarely because he definitely didnt look at me nor his dad. I knew what I did was wrong but I felt bad for his mom. She looked so happy to see him I didn't want her to leave being sad. "patrick" his mom warned "school is school father. What do you want to hear? That I'm giving up baseball? That's never going to happen! And I'm definitely not joining your shit law firm!" he yelled and stormed out. "I'm so sorry" I told his family "I'll go talk to him" I started "no it's ok honey. We were done anyway" his mom told me sadly. She looked like she was about to cry.

After I apologized again I left to go find Alex. He wasn't anywhere to be seen. I couldn't even find his car anywhere. I pulled out my phone and dialled his number. It went to voicemail so I tried again, and again. After the third try he finally answered. "what do you want!?" he yelled "I'm not going back to sit with them again" he told me "I don't want you to" I said "then what do you want Anastasia?! What do you expect me to do?" he shouted "nothing. I'll walk" I said and hung up. I knew I wasn't helping but he can't just yell at me. I mean I definitely deserved it. I practically forced him into this. I started walking whenever I heard someone call my name. I turned around to see Alex's sister walking towards me. "is everything okay?" she asked "oh yea, I just decided to walk so Alex headed back to his dorm." I lied "so you want a ride?" she asked and i saw worry flash across her face "oh no thanks. I'm walking" I faked a laugh "are you sure?" she asked "yea, thanks though" I told her "be safe" she told me before we walked away.

I walked away from the main road because I knew if Alex were to come get me he'd use it. He wouldn't go the way I was walking. The walk took 45 minutes. My feet hurt and I was exhausted by the time i got to my room. I didn't waste any time, i took a shower and went to bed.

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