Chapter 7

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The next couple days went by super slow. Today is another baseball game and I kind of want to go but I haven't talked to Alex about that argument. He's the unknown number that's been calling and texting me nonstop. I found out the next day whenever I woke up with hundreds of missed calls and texts and a few said 'can we talk' and 'stazie im sorry' so I put two and two together and because he's the only one that calls me that it must be him.

I'm sitting in my English class bored out of my mind because we have a sub and I have finished all of the work assigned to us. I grabbed my phone and turned it on noticing I just got a text message.

Unknown number: Anastasia im sorry please talk to me
Me: who's this
Unknown number: it's Alex please don't block me
Me: What do you want alex
Alex: i want to talk about the other day
Me:  It's fine I'm busy
Alex: Where are you
Me: In class where are you
Alex: Which class
Me: I'm not telling you
Alex: You're in English aren't you?
Me: What no

He stopped replying after that and it made me feel a little uneasy. A few minutes past and the class door opened. "Mrs H. I need to borrow Anastasia for a minute" Alex spoke fast "She's not here today son. Anastasia you can step out you've already finished your work" the substitute said which made me groan. I grabbed my bag and my books and stood up. I noticed Alex had a smile plastered on his face. As soon as we stepped outside I started in on him. "Why in the world would you do that" I said frustrated "You finished your work and you were clearly bored" he countered back. It was true but I didn't want to give him the satisfaction. I walked over to a bench and sat down. "look I'm sorry. Like I said the other night Trey and I already had problems and seeing him all over pushed me over the edge" he admitted pacing in front of me "what do you mean you already had problems?" I asked "let's just say he's always known how to get underneath my skin. I didn't mean to yell at you and I definitely didn't mean it when I said you make everything about you" He admitted "why do you let him have that effect on you? He's clearly doing what makes you upset" I trying calming him down. "Anastasia" he sighed and walked up to me and stopped. "what?" I asked. He squatted down and immediately pulled me into a kiss. It wasn't a heated make out session it was just a kiss that felt like he needed to kiss someone. I didn't however pull away when I think I should have. He grabbed my back right above my butt and slid me close to the edge of the bench. I got my senses back and I put my hands on his shoulders and slowly pushed him back. He let go of me and sat down on the floor in front of me. "why'd you do that?" I asked quietly barley audible "I'm sorry" he replied "Alex I need you to know right now that I'm not going to be another one of your on and off girls. I can't do that. If you're going to do anything you have to mean it. Not just because want it." I found my voice and stood up and walked away. I heard his hurried footsteps behind me. He turned me around and pushed me against the wall and kissed me again. I pushed him away "stazie kiss me" he whispered as our eyes locked. The feeling I got when he looked at me that way made my stomachs do flips and I couldn't control myself anymore. He pulled me away from the wall with just enough room for his to wrap his arms around me and pushed us back against the wall. My hands were on his shoulders but they made their way up to his hair. I intertwined my fingers with his hair which caused him to pull away so we could catch our breaths. "I mean it." he said softly and kissed my cheek. We stayed like that looking at each other for what seemed like ages until his phone rang. He groaned and grabbed it out of his pocket. "hello" he answered I heard someone talking on the other line but I couldn't make out what they said "ok I'll be there early don't worry." he said. The person on the other end said something then they hung up. He looked up at me and smiled "so I have you all to myself until 7. What do you want to do?" he asked "preferably put my books away" I replied laughing. He bent down and grabbed my books then my hand and lead me to the parking lot. "you know you never answered my question" I told him "what question?" he asked "whenever I asked where you were" I told him causing him to smirk "I left my class to find you" he said causing me to slap his arm "Alex you need an education!" I sternly told him "I needed to make sure you were ok first" he replied "I told you I was fine" I said "but now you're better than fine" he added and smiled pulling me close. We got to his car and we got in. We drove back to my dorm and we both went inside.

I walked into my room and set my books down. Whenever I turned around I saw Alex holding a ball. The baseball he gave me the first game. "you kept the lucky ball I gave you" he spoke up "Lucky ball?" I asked "the first one over the wall" he admitted and set it down. "you kept it" he added walking towards me "the flower died so I threw it away" I admitted causing him to laugh "that's a shame. I picked it myself" he said slowly in a deeper voice "I could tell" I replied. "I assume you still have my skirt too?" he asked causing my eyes to become big. I slept in that shirt last night and it was on the floor beside my bed. He noticed my panicked look and opened my drawer "it's not in that one" I told him which made him open it even more. "Alex I said its not in that one" I told him and tried to shut the drawer but he opened it all the way. That was my underwear drawer. I quickly shut it and covered my face. "oh come on beautiful it's not like I haven't seen that pair before" he said and grabbed my hands "what?!" I asked confused "whenever we went swimming" he stated and my face got even pinker as I remembered that day. "I might have turned around and stole a glance or two" he told me "Ew Alex that's gross" I told him "no you saw all of my goodies" he added "no I did not" I pushed past him "that's not what I mean" he said laughing again "I liked it" he told me out of the blue "what?" he asked "the underwear. They're nice" he told me "you're gross" I stated "I'm just a guy" he told me and pulled me down on the bed causing me to squeal. He pulled me close and started to tickle me causing me to try to push him off but it didn't work so we both ended up in a laughing fit. "Anastasia..." Brooklyn said opening my door. She stopped dead in her tracks "oh I didn't know you had company" she said and left before she slammed the door. "I'll be back" I told Alex and got off the bed. I left the room and went over to Brooklyn "Hey's what's up?" I asked "why is he here?" she asked "Alex?" I asked "yes Alex. Why is he here?" she asked again "because he's my friend?" I asked "if you want me to leave I can leave" a voice spoke from behind me "yes please I kind of need my roommate to be home alone to talk whenever I need to talk" Brooklyn told him and flung her hands into the air in frustration "Ok well I'll leave you two to it then, I'll see you later?" he asked me "what's later?" I asked "haha very funny" he said while walking closer "I'll be there if you want me to be there" I told him and he pulled me into a hug "I want you to be there. Every time" he whispered into my ear. He softly kissed my neck then pulled away "I'll see you later too?" he asked Brooklyn "probably not" she told him "do you need a hug too?" he asked and walked towards Brooklyn "no keep your nasty hands to yourself" she told him causing him to laugh "I'll see both of you at the game" he announced as he walked out and shut the door.

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