Chapter 66

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The next morning i woke up cuddled next to alex. I ran my hands acroas his chest and kissed his cheek. I watched as he smiled and slowly opened his eyes. "good morning beautiful" he told me in his husky morning voice. "good morning" i replied smiling. "how are you feeling? You drank pretty quickly last night" he asked as i sat up and pulled the sheet around my body. "i didn't drink a lot last night" i told him "i didnt say you drank a lot. I said you drank fast" he replied and pulled the sheet off of me. "alex!" i screamed surprised "what?" he laughed and pulled me back down onto the bed. "what do you think you're doing?" i asked as he kissed my neck "kissing my beautiful girlfriend" he replied "we have to get up and pack" i told him "we can do that later" he replied "alex" i groaned in annoyance and got off of the bed. "baby" he whined and dramatically fell back onto the bed. "we have to pack because were going back to my moms today." i told him as i walked into the bathroom.

I took my time in the shower. I walked my hair and got dressed in a tshirt and sweatpants. I put my hair into a bun and once i finished brushing my teeth i walled out. Alex was sleeping when i walked into the bedroom so i decided to wake him up. I stood up on the bed and started jumping up and down and hitting him with a pillow. He groaned and sat up and grabbed my legs so i fell on top of him. He sighed and looked at me like I was crazy. "you couldve woke me up by kissing me or something less dangerous." he told me "yea but wheres the fun in that?" i asked smiling. I climbed off of him and started cleaning up the room. "go take a shower, you're dirty" i told him "whos fault is that?" he asked smirking "yours obviously" i replied as i folded my clothes. "baby i wasnt the one who initiated things last night" he replied laughing and stood up "it takes two to tango" i replied and he started walking towards the bathroom "we did a lot more than tango" he replied and I threw a pillow at him. He laughed and walked into the bathroom and shut the door.

Once Alex was dressed and both of us finished packing we made our way to the airport. We hung out for a while in the gift shops buying small souvenirs to pass the time until our flight boarded.

When it was time to board the flight we walked to the terminal and onto the plane. We sat next to each other by the window. Alex almost immediately fell asleep while I watched a movie on the small tv.

Once we arrived in Michigan we picked up Alex's car and started our long drive back to North Carolina.

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