Chapter 4

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Two weeks have past since I arrived at the school. I haven't seen Alex after that first day whenever he walked off. Jack, David and Mason have been coming over regularly so I'd lock myself in my room to try to catch up with school since I joined late. I went out a few times and hung out with Brook and Madison regularly. The baseball team had a few games and two of them were out of state so I couldnt go even if I wanted to which I didn't because I was more focused on my classwork. I didn't have classes with anyone I knew so it was really boring not talking to anyone. It reminded me of my life while I was in high school. I pushed all of those negative thoughts away and tried not to think about them.

I was currently walking towards my last class of the day whenever my phone rang I checked and saw it was my dad. "hello" I answered "hey Anastasia I was wondering how school has been going?" he asked "it's fine" I told him "and how's job searching?" he asked "I'm still looking" I said annoyed "ok I didn't call to make you mad with me. Im paying for your expenses for four more weeks but then you're cut off." he stated "you act like its a ton of money. Dad all you pay for is my food since moms paying for my rent and I have scholarships and grants." I countered as I started getting annoyed "I'm paying both of you back whenever I get the chance don't worry." I added "Anastasia Clark you know that's not what I'm saying" he said in an angry tone "well you're always on my case. I appreciate your help but I don't want it if you're going to be yelling at me every chance you get." I screamed into the phone and hung up. "are you ok?" a voice said from behind me. I turned around and saw Alex. I huffed and turned around and started walking to my class but he followed me "why can't you baseball guys sense when I don't want to talk to y'all!" I said annoyed "don't flatter yourself sweet cheeks my class is this way." he stated and laughed then walked past me "plus all I did was ask if you were alright because I heard you yelling at someone." he said walking backwards while looking at me then he turned around and walked into a class. "Hey Mrs. G we have a game in an hour so I cant stay in class today" he said as I walked past "Ok Alex you can pick up your work tomorrow morning, good luck." a woman replied and he nodded and walked away "you know you could come to another game. It's full of those baseball guys you don't like" he said in a sarcastic tone as he walked past me again. "I didn't know I was invited but no thanks." I said and walked into my class and to my seat.

The class was super boring already and about 25 minutes into the class the teacher was over it since 95% of the class wasn't here so he gave us our work and told us we could leave. As I walked out Brooklyn was walking in and she bumped into me and my bag fell to the floor. "I'm so sorry I was coming to get you." she said in a hurry "why?" I asked "Jack had to leave class early but he told me Alex asked him to ask me to bring you to the game." she said before she took a deep breath "why would he do that?" a girl behind me asked causing us to look at her "she isn't his type." another girl said "yea AJ definitely wouldn't settle for her whenever he's with Brittany" another girl said "last time I checked they weren't together and this conversation was only for two people so y'all can go away" Brooklyn said as she pulled me down the hallway "David and Mason are skipping class and Madison had a free period so we're all going to the game" she announced as we reached the parking lot and walked towards her car. I really didn't want to go to the game but I guess I'mbring forced again.

Whenever we arrived we sat in the same seats and the guys were already stretching. Jack, Trey and Alex were at the front like last time. Once they finished hey started running then they partnered up and threw the ball. Jack and Alex teamed up and they were talking then they looked our way. Alex stared at me for while before continuing to warm up.

Once the game started I noticed that Alex was in the outfield instead of second base. The game went by pretty fast because any ball that was hit towards Alex in the outfield he caught it so they got out then he'd throw the ball all the way to the bases and get them out. Whenever Alex went up to bat he let the count get to 2 balls and 1 strike before he swung. It didn't go over the wall but outfield didn't catch it either so he made it to second base because they threw the ball to the person on third because they thought he was running all the way I guess. The next batter swung and Alex took off running go third but the other team had the ball and threw it to the third base and Alex slid and the person on third base accidently kicked his face in the process and he busted his lip. The whole crowd stared yelling protests but it didn't do any good. Alex's mouth was bleeding but he didn't walk off until he made it to home base and got the point. By the time he made it to the dugout the top of his jersey had blood on dad rushed out with a rag and water and handed it to Alex then their walked back to the bench. I guess my dad didn't want Alex to play anymore because whenever it was time to switch another player went out instead. Once the game was over Alex was walking towards the stands instead of going back to the locker room. "Alex, baby you played an amazing game!" a voice said from behind me. A girl with blonde hair pushed past me and ran to Alex. She immediately kissed him which made him look very uncomfortable. "Brittany what are you doing!?" I heard him say loudly causing me to look back over to him "what do you mean? I thought we were dating" she asked "you dating me?" he asked laughing "that's very funny" he said and pushed past her "what are you doing?" she asked "leaving" he simply stated "why?" she asked "why don't you leave him alone. He just finished a game and he got injured. Back off" I said causing everyone to look at me shocked "excuse me who the hell are you!?" she yelled at me "that's the girl I was telling you about" the girl from earlier said "she's the one that was invited?" she said laughing "Alex come on we both know you could do a lot better." Brittany stated "do you ever shut up!" Alex said clearly upset and walked towards us "sorry about that" he started to say "hey let's go" Jack said as he walked towards the group. All of us started walking towards the parking lot. "hey can I talk to you real quick?" Alex asked quietly as he jogged up to me. I nodded and he lead the way to his car. He unlocked it and opened the trunk and grabbed a shirt then took his jersey off along with his undershirt. I glanced over at him and noticed he had a bruise on his rib cage. I slowly looked at his perfectly sculpted body. How his muscles flexed as he changed shirts, how his arms looked without a shirt covering them up, how his abs were toned to perfection. I didn't know I was staring until he cleared his throat. I quickly looked up to him seeing he was smiling showing all of his perfectly white teeth. "sorry" I quickly said and turned around and grabbed my face which caused him to laugh. He gave me a few minutes for my cheeks to calm down then he turned me around "I'm really sorry about what happened back there. Me and that girl had a thing not too long ago but I broke it off and she won't leave me alone." he told me "it's fine I don't care." I told him "well I just wanted to apologize." he stated "how are you? I mean you we're upset earlier, is everything better?" he asked like he was genuinely concerned "I just got into an argument with my dad but it's fine." I admitted. "I'm sorry" he told me "it's fine" I repeated "how do you like the school so far?" he asked "it's ok. My classes are keeping me pretty busy though." I admitted "yea they tend to do that" he replied laughing which caused me to laugh "you have a nice laugh" he suddenly said "thanks, you do too" I told him smiling "and a nice smile" he added "same to you" I said. "so where are you from?" he asked as he sat on the concrete "you know there's benches over there" I pointed "yes but I don't want to walk" he simply stated "so you'd rather sit on the nasty ground?" I asked and he nodded "here" he said and laid his jersey down motioning I sit on it "and that's covered in blood and sweat" I told him "all from hard work" he quickly defended his jersey. I scrunched my face up at the idea of getting his blood and sweat on me. "Ok fine sit here" he said patting his legs and I shook my head no "you're being so difficult" he said as he stood up and grabbed his jersey. "you never answered my question" he reminded me "I'm from Michigan" I told him "why are you here then? I mean it's great and all but isn't it a little far?" he asked "my dad" I said and he nodded his head understandingly.
We continued to talk until it was midnight. Alex got to know me and more about my life and I got to know about his life. I decided I should probably head back to my dorm. Alex took me back becauss he said he didn't trust the guys that attend this school.

Once I walked through the door i saw David and Mason asleep in the living room so I made my way into my room. Sleep didn't come quickly. I stayed up thinking about how my life has changed dramatically since moved a few weeks ago. My mind kept going back to the conversation I had with Alex. He was from Texas but he moved away from home after he turned 19 then he started school here and joined baseball. He has two brothers and a sister who still live in Texas. His dad hates that hes playing sports instead of focusing on school and how his coach (my dad) has become like his second dad. I never got around to telling him about my dad because he noticed it was a touchy subject. Around 5 am I finally drifted off to sleep.

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