Chapter 43

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Whenever we pulled away he picked me up. "today is still a bad day" I told him as he started walking towards the lake. "just relax, it'll get better" he told me.

We got to the lake and he let me go so I could stand up. "we should come here more" I spoke up as I squatted down and took in the view. "I agree" he said from behind me. "this is our spot, I'll bring you here whenever you want" he told me as I stood up and turned around to find him shirtless. I scanned his chest with my eyes, he noticed what I was doing "what?" he asked and smiled "nothing" I told him. "you're so beautiful, I don't deserve you" he told me as he walked close and pulled me into a hug "i" I started but I forgot what I wanted to say. He laughed and leaned in and kissed me. "I miss you" he told me in between kisses "I miss you" I told him. He smiled and picked me up, he turned around and laid me down softly on the ground. "I love you" I said breathless as he moved his lips down to my neck. "I love you so much" he confessed. He sucked on my neck which made me arch my back and pull his hair. He moved his lips and sucked my neck again. I gasped and closed my eyes. He pulled away and ran his tongue across the red spots. He grabbed my hands and held them above my head and then he looked into my eyes. I noticed his eyes darkened and he leaned in and kissed my neck just below my ear. "alex" I moaned "hm?" he groaned against my skin. He lifted his face and looked at me again. "I love you" he told me and sucked my neck harder. I moaned and pulled his hair. He kept sucking on the spot which drove me crazy. "alex" I moaned but he didn't stop. I put one of my hands on his chest and ran it down to his pants. "alex" I gasped and pulled at the fabric. He didn't move. "please" I asked and then reached until my hand dipped just under his boxers. He quickly grabbed my hands and put them above my head. "stop" he removed his lips and growled "alex" I panted and kissed his jaw "I'm taking things slow" he told me "I don't like slow" I told him and he smirked "you'll like it I promise" he kissed me and put his hands above my pants but in between my legs and he rubbed. I gasped and he smiled and kissed me. "I told you" he whispered. I tried to pull my hands away but he held them tighter. I whined and he kissed down my neck. I moved and it made his fingers press harder against me I moaned and arched my back. I did it again but he took his hand off of me. "you're not taking it slow Anastasia" he told me in a deep voice "I told you I don't like slow" I replied. He smirked and crashed his lips against mine. He bit my lip and kissed me hard. He pulled away and let go of my hands. I grabbed onto his shoulders and kissed him. I pushed myself off the ground and I pushed him onto his back. He laughed as I sat on his waist. "you don't want to do it my way then you can do it all by yourself" he told me and put his hands behind his head. "really?" I asked and looked at him "yea" he laughed. "you won't stop me?" I asked "no" he replied "what if I do it wrong?" I asked "you're perfect, you can't do this wrong I promise" he smiled. "are you sure?" I asked "god dammit baby. Are you going to or not?" he asked "slowly?" I asked and moved my hips and he froze. "or fast?" I asked and stopped moving "I don't care" he told me. "fine" I told him and moved away "no no no no. Come back here" he pulled me back ontop of him "you know I'm not really sure I want to do this anymore" I teased "I'm not in the mood" I told him "you've got to be kidding me. Are you not ready?" he asked "we don't have to" he panicked "well" I started to move my hips he smiled and pulled me into a kiss "please tell me you were joking" he groaned as I pushed onto him "I was" I told him "sorry am I hurting you?" I asked "the complete opposite" he smiled I moved back and forth and then I raised off of him and pulled his pants and boxers down. I undid my pants and he sat up. "you can't touch me" I told him "why?" he asked "you wouldn't let me, so I won't let you" I told him as I slid off my panties. He groaned and I lowered back onto him. "take your top off" he demanded "no" I smirked. He leaned up and reached for it but I removed it before he could. I took off my bra then I raised up and slowly inserted him into me. I gasped and closed my eyes. He grabbed on my hips "let me help you" he said. He helped me lower myself and adjust. He ran his hands down my thighs and I swatted them away. He smirked and laid on them again. I slowly lifted and lowered myself several times to get used to it. I bit my lip and placed my hands on his chest for balance. I rotated my hips and then started bouncing. He moaned and watched me. I kept moving and he seemed to like it. He watched my every move. "I don't" I started "you're doing amazing" he told me and I nodded and kept moving. I rotated my hips again and he moaned and tensed his arms "just like that" he groaned. I kept doing what he liked and I watched how his muscles reacted as I ran my hands across his chest. I leaned down and kissed him. He took the opportunity to kiss me hard and he bit my lip then flipped us over. "you were working wonders but it killing me" he groaned and thrusted into me hard and deep I gasped and scratched his back. "you were going to slow" he moaned and then sucked my boob. I arched my back and pulled his hair. He massaged my boob while he kissed up to my lips. He lowered his other hand and started rubbing as he thrusted. "I love you" he whispered into my ear as I tightened around him. "come on baby" he groaned and thrusted into me roughly and rubbed faster. My eyes screwed shut and my nails dug into his shoulders as my back arched and I screamed out in pleasure. He pumped into me a few more times before he pulled out and finished. He pulled me to his chest as we both tried catching our breaths. "I love you so fucking much" he told me and kissed me "I love you too" I told him "you're mine and only mine" he stated and I nodded.

We laid there for a while until he stood up and jumped into the lake. "will you swim with me?" he asked "sure" I told him and stood up. I remembered I was naked and I grabbed my clothes and threw them on. "stazie come on" he laughed and got out of the water. He pulled me into a hug then threw me in the water. As soon as I came up to the surface I slapped Alex. "what if I couldn't swim?" I asked "I knew you could" he smiled and swam to me. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck. "I need you to be happy" he suddenly said "I am happy" I told him and wrapped my legs around him "I mean if you ever find someone who treats you like a queen and puts you before everyone else I want you to choose him" he told me "it doesn't matter if I'm still around or not, I need you to choose him" he told me. "Alex what are you talking about?" I asked and held his face "I'm happy with you. I fell in love with you. I'm still falling in love with you, over and over again." I told him "you are that guy, you put me first it doesn't matter what you think. During the holidays when it was just us, it was perfect. No drama, just us. That's what I've always wanted. You can be that guy Alex. I know you have things to work on and I do too but that doesn't matter." I told him "I don't deserve you, I always screw everything up" he told me "I could say the same" I laughed "what if things went back to how they were when It was just us?" he asked "I would be happy, but if they don't and im with you I'll still be happy" I told him. "you can't get rid of me that easily" I smiled and kissed him.

We swam for a while longer then we both got out. "I would've brought towels if I knew we were coming here" he laughed "it's fine" I told him as I put my clothes back on. "will you stay with me tonight?" he asked me as he picked me up "of course" I smiled. He wrapped his arms underneath my butt, I wrapped my legs around his waist and rested my hands on his shoulders. "what are you thinking about?" he asked "chicken nuggets" I smiled "really?" he laughed "yes" I replied "let's go get some then" he smiled as he continued to walk down the path. "you're always carrying me, I should start carrying you" I spoke up "no offense but I don't think that's possible" he told me "I'll prove you wrong later. I'm too comfortable right now" I laughed and leaned into him.

A few moments of silence pass and I kissed his jaw then his neck. I ran my hand down his chest and slid it under his shirt. "what are you doing?" he smirked "shut up" I told him. I ran my hand onto his back and softly drug my nails down it. He stopped walking and looked down at me. "if you want another round you'll have to wait" He whispered in my ear. I looked at him and kissed him softly. He bounced me which caused me to scream and grab onto his shirt. "I needed a better grip" he lied "look at your shirt" I stated while noticing how it slightly ripped "you did that not me" he laughed and started walking again. "you're so annoying" I told him smiling.

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