Chapter 59

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Once we finished eating I paid for the food and walked to the door. "Do you want me to carry you again?" he asked as he zipped up his jacket "how did I get so lucky to have you as my boyfriend?" I asked smiling "I think I'm the lucky one" He smiled and picked me up which caused me to squeal. He carried me all the way to the car then sat me down and kissed my cheek. Once we got in the car we drove to the mall.

"There's literally no parking" he groaned as he continued to drive around the parking lot "there's a spot" I said as I pointed to an open spot a few cars away. Suddenly a car came from around the corner and tried to get the parking spot. Alex hit the gas and got the spot just as the car started to turn into it. The other car honked the horn as we stepped out of the car. Alex laughed and held my hand. "let's go find a present for your mom" he said as we walked towards the entrance.

After walking from store to store looking for a gift I finally found something my mom might like. "I'm going to go look at a few things. Call me when your done" Alex told me "ok" I replied and we went our separate ways. I walked towards the jewelry and saw an infinity necklace that said mom and had diamonds in it. A few minutes later a woman came over and I told her I wanted to buy it. She rang it up and I paid for it. I continued to walk through the mall and I found an art store. I walked into it and saw painted canvas everywhere and I also saw a section for art supplies. I walked to the art supplies and I picked up a few sketch books and a set of 4 different sized canvas and some new paints. After I paid for everything I walked to the Yankee candle which was right across from the art store. I got a couple candles, then decided to call Alex. "hey" he answered "hey I'm done, where are you?" I asked "I'm just buying a few things, I'm about to walk towards the car" he told me "Ok, I'll meet you there" I replied "ok, I shouldn't be too much longer" he told me then we hung up.

Whenever I got to the car I noticed he was already inside. I opened the backseat and put my bags down, then I got in and we drove back to my moms house.

When we arrived I told Alex to go to the room so I could wrap. He agreed without hesitation and once he was in the room I started wrapping all of the gifts. I wrapped his first then my moms. Once I was finished he came back downstairs with a few wrapped presents and put them under the tree. I sat all of my gifts under the tree, then sat on the couch and relaxed.

After a few hours of doing nothing my stomach growled. "are you hungry?" alex laughed as he pulled me closer to his side "a little bit" I replied "how does pizza sound?" he asked and I nodded my head. He ordered the pizza as I ran upstairs and put on sweatpants and a shirt. When I got back downstairs Alex was in the kitchen. I sat back on the couch and turned on a movie.

About 30 minutes later a knock came from the door. Alex got up and grabbed the pizza then took it into the kitchen. I got up and followed him and grabbed two plates. I grabbed a few pieces then walked to the table and sat down. I started eating as Alex sat down across from me. "wow I didn't know you could cook this good" I joked and he laughed before taking a bite. "I'm that a bad of a cook" he told me "maybe one day you should prove it" I smiled and took another bite.

When we were about halfway through the meal another knock came from the door. "it might be my mom" I spoke up as I walked towards the door. "doesn't your mom have her keys?" he asked I shrugged and opened the door. Oh the other side was Bri smiling and holding her purse. I screamed and ran to her and pulled her into a hug. Within a few seconds Alex was behind me "you scared the shit out of me" he sighed and grabbed onto the door "sorry" I told him as I pulled away "who's he?" Bri looked towards Alex and smiled and played with her hair. She can't seriously be flirting with him. I walked over to him and wrapped my arm around his back. "Bri this is Alex my boyfriend, Alex this is my friend bri" I introduced them. "best friend" she smiled and held out a hand, he grabbed her hand and respectfully shook it "nice to meet you" he replied and she smiled. "The pleasure is all mine trust me" she smiled. I huffed and walked back into the kitchen and continued to eat. "So why didn't you text me when you got back?" Bri asked as she grabbed a slice "I didn't think you'd be here" I told her as I took another bite. "Boston didn't last long. I hated it" she replied and sit down " so where have you been?" I asked her "well I went to England for a while but then I came back and started school in Chicago" she told me "do you like it there?" I asked and she nodded "it's great" she smiled.

For the next hour and a half I sat with Bri on the couch catching up, alex went upstairs soon after she showed up. He said he wanted us to hang out since it's been a while. Bri asked me how I met him and what I've been doing at school, I told her about baseball and my classes.

"Well I have to go back home and finish wrapping gifts, I'll bring your gifts over tomorrow night" she told me as she stood up "ok, it was really nice seeing you again" I smiled as we walked to the door. We hugged each other then she left. I locked the door and went upstairs, whenever I opened the door I saw Alex sleeping. I walked towards the bed and laid down on top of him. He groaned and eventually woke up. "Hey" he smiled "hey" I replied and rested my head on his chest. I could hear his heartbeat and I ran my fingertips across his arm. "did you have fun?" he asked and I nodded "it seems weird seeing her after so long. We barely talked while I was in school" I told him "well it definitely looked like she missed you" he responded as he rubbed my back "it looked like she wanted to do dirty things to you" I laughed which caused him to smile "the only person I want to do dirty things to me, is you" he smiled and kissed my head. We laid together for a while talking until we both drifted off to sleep.

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