Chapter 32

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The next few days went by extremely well. I haven't seen Alex at all and my friends are amazing support.

I got dressed and went to work.

The day was super busy so the owner told me he was going to hire someone new to help out. Around noon a girl walked in, she had shoulder length curly brown hair. She was wearing a university shirt with skinny jeans and boots. "hi are you Anastasia?" she asked me "yes" I replied "hi, Uhm I'm Lucy. I'm your new coworker" she told me. I called the owner and she was in fact my new coworker. I showed her how to take orders and work the register.

Once we finished our work for the day we started cleaning up. "are you new here?" I asked Lucy "yea, I just got here last week" he told me as she cleaned off the last table. "how long have you been here?" she asked "not too long. It's my first year" I told her. "which dorm are you in?" I asked "Wellington hall" she told me "really!?" I asked excitedly "yea I'm on the fifth floor" she laughed "I'm on the third floor" I told her "no way!" she smiled "yea. We should walk back together" I offered "I can drive us back?" she offered "sure that'd be cool" I replied as we locked up and left.

She drove a silver Honda, it was nice but very small inside. During the drive we acquainted ourselves and talked about our blossoming friendship.

Whenever we got back to the dorms I invited her over.

I unlocked the door and walked in to find David, mason, jack, Brooklyn, and Madison eating and playing a card game. "guys I brought someone over" I annonced "why did you bring him here?" David groaned and looked towards us. "oh, who are you?" he asked "I'm Lucy, Anastasia's new coworker" she introduced herself "well it's nice to meet you" David smiled and got back to the game.

A few hours later everyone left. Brooklyn is in her room asleep and Madison is studying. I changed into sleeping clothes and laid down.

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I groaned and scrambled to find it. Once I did I didn't even look to see who it was I just answered it. "hello?" I asked "stazie can I come over?" He asked slurring "no" I told him "baby please, I'm already in your dorm I just need somewhere to sleep for the night" he told me "no alex. You need to stop calling me" I told him "I can't help it, I love you" He replied "no you don't. You're just drunk" I stated "I'm outside of your room" he said just as banging came from the door. "Alex leave you're going to wake everyone up" I told him. "maybe you should let me inside then" he sighed. "who is it?" I heard Madison ask "your roomate will let me in" he said "Alex what do you want?" she yelled through the door "I want to sleep on your couch" he told her. "whatever" she groaned and let him in. "I told you" he walked into my room and winked. I could tell he just got done having sex. "go sleep on the couch you pig" I told him and he laughed but walked out.

I woke up the next morning and walked out of my room. "what am I doing here?" Alex asked causing me to jump because I didn't know anyone was awake. "I don't know, why are you here?" I asked and ignored him. I walked into the kitchen and got a cup of water as Brooklyn came out of her room with Jack. "what are you doing here?" Jack asked "I don't know, I just woke up" Alex told him then they both looked at me "I didn't do it. I wasn't the one that let him inside" I annonced as Madison walked out of her room. "he told me he wanted to sleep on the couch, he was clearly drunk I couldn't leave him in the hall" she said "yes you could have" I told her and continued grabbing things out of the fridge to make breakfast. "I don't remember coming here, I was with-" he started "I can't remember her name and we started drinking and had some amazing sex" he annonced "you're disgusting" I told him. He looked at me angry and pushed past everyone and stood in front of me. "I told you not to talk to me like that" he told me nonchalantly but I could tell he was mad "why not? You're disgusting pig. I want you to leave" I told him "don't push my buttons" he warned "or what? You'll ruin me? Go Ahead" I laughed and pushed him away so I could get to the counter. "I'm serious" he growled "I am to go ahead and ruin me" I told him "I think you should leave and maybe you'll be nice enough to tell that girl why you ditched her. I'm sure she'll be happy to know where you went" I smirked and he got dangerously close. "if I were you I'd stop talking" He warned. "if I were you, I'd leave" I said as Jack and Brooklyn walked into the kitchen "guys cake you give us some space? Gosh you're always hovering" Alex shouted "no!" Brooklyn yelled at him but Jack pulled her away "I'll give you 20 minutes. Come on girls breakfast is on me" Jack annonced. They didn't want to leave but he eventually got them out of the dorm.

"Like I was saying" Alex started "why are you still here?" I asked not turning around to face him. "don't talk to me like that. My dad use to and I hated it" he told me "maybe you should change your personality then" I told him "you should stop being a butch. I'm trying to talk and you're so annoying" he groaned "can't you tell I don't care what you have to say! I want you gone. Out of my life. You were just a silly mistake that I wish never happened!" I yelled at him. If I didn't know better I'd think what I said hurt him. But it couldn't have because he doesn't care about me. He didn't say anything else. He grabbed his things and left. I didn't mean what I said and it killed me I wasn't able to apologize but I don't want to keep dealing with it. He loves me when he's drunk but doesn't when hes sober.

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