4) Meeting Mom

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Today is the day I meet Keith's mom. I'm nervous as hell. I could feel the goosebumps coming on my nose as I fixed my hair. I went to my living room where Keith was waiting for me.
"Hey you ready" He asked me.

"Yeah as ready as I'll ever be" we walked out to the car and the whole car ride was silent.

All these thoughts came in my head. Will she like me? Am I pretty enough? Am I dressed appropriately? Will she attempt to kill me. Oh my gosh she's gonna put glass in my food. Oh my gosh if he goes to the bathroom she's gonna stab me in my ear. Oh my goodness I need to pray. I don't want this woman to kill me for dating her son.

Before I knew it we were in front of the house. Keith came to my door and opened it. I didn't move.

"YN what's wrong"

"Keith I can't do this I think we need to not do this right now. I can't do it"

"And why can't you do it"

"I'm scared. " I said lowly

"Repeat that please I couldn't hear you" He says sarcastically.

"I'm scared Keith what if she doesn't like me and tries to kill me"

He chuckles at my comment
"My mother doesn't strike fear in people only if she has to and she will understand that you are the woman I want to marry and she will see why I love you so much"

"Ok fine I'll go in"

"Great now let's go" As soon as I got out the car his parents both came outside.

"Hey ma" He says while hugging her.

"Keith who is this beauty" his mother says

"Ma this is my girlfriend YN"
I reached out to give her a handshake and she pulled me in for a hug.

"I'm Jennifer and You don't have to do all that I'm a hugger now come on in and help me with dinner"

"Ok yes ma'am"
I walked in behind her and we went to the kitchen where I saw his sisters.

"Hi I'm Kaylan" she comes up to me and hugs me.

"I'm YN"

"Oh your the one my brother always talking about"

"I guess I am"

"Kaylan can you and YN go and set the table please"

"Yes ma'am"

We walk over to the dining room and she starts conversation.

"So YN where you from"

"I'm from Louisiana"

"Oh wow I always wanted to visit there. How did you meet my brother"

"He was visiting my college campus and I kind of bumped into him"

"You are in college. How old are you?"

"Yeah I'm in my last year at UCLA and I'm 22"

"That's pretty cool"

His mom came in with the food and Kaylan went to get everybody.

"So YN how long have you been with my son I've heard the past six months but I feel like it's been longer than that"

"It's been over a year"

"Ok that's good do you see a future with him? I don't want to welcome you into our family and you break his heart like his last girlfriend"

"Yes ma'am I do. I would never hurt him. I don't want him to hurt me so I'm not gonna hurt him."

"Mm I like your answer. Ok well welcome to the family I'm sorry if I scared you a little bit I just have to ask these questions you know"

"I completely understand it's fine"

We all ate and talked while joking around at the table. We left the house and everything was good.

"So did my mother try to kill you"

"No and I know I overaxagerated but weren't you scared when you met my father"

"Yeah I was terrified actually but that was because your father brought me to his mancave that had his machete and some guns in it"

"I told you I was sorry about that I never knew what was in there so I didn't know that's what was in there."

"Yeah yeah I know but you know what the next step is"

"No I don't what is it"

"Marrying you"

"Ok Keith"

We pulled up to my apartment and I got out.

"Good night Keith"

"Wait you not gonna invite me up"

"Nah not tonight I'm a little tired"
I fake yawned and walked to my door.

"I love you too YN"

Then he drove off.

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