60) Sharing Is Caring

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Ok so here is the last actual request for xoxoTiller. And here we go hope you like it. Side note this is kinda rushed so disregard the mistakes in it. ❤❤❤

I was in the living room in my chair watching tv while Algee was in the room writing music. I was eating some Trolly sour gummy worms and Algee came in the room and took the bag out of my hands. "Really Algee" I said as he laid across the couch eating my gummy worms.

"What sharing is caring" our son came in the room and sat in my chair next to me. "Aye dude I don't want you in my chair"

"Mommy chill sharing is caring" AJ says to me. "Yeah tell her again little man" I rolled my eyes at the both of them and AJ took the remote out of my hand. "Aye really"

"Gotta share the tv too mommy" he says changing the channel to Basketball. My husband and son are both broken I need new ones.

I went into the kitchen and made me some noodles. (Another side note I was extremely hungry writing this so I'm talking about food a lot)

I was in the dining room eating when AJ came and took my food from me and started eating it. "Algee you gonna say anything about this" I said as he looked in the cabinets. "You took the last pack of shrimp noodles AJ save me some"

"Got it pops"

I walked to our room irritated and still hungry. I heard them both laughing. I can't with them. I laid in bed and turned the tv on. Then I heard glass break.

I ran downstairs to see these 2 looking at the glass. "What the hell"

"He did it" they both said pointing to each other. Ughhh.

Later on that night I cooked dinner and after I ate I went to bed. I was all the way on the other side of the bed when I felt Algee get in the bed. He scooted all the way to my side of the bed. "Hey man go to yo side" I said pushing him away. He groaned going to his side. Then I felt arms snake around my stomach.

"Algee what did I tell you" I said turning around but saw Algee on his side then I looked down seeing AJ. "AJ why are you in here"

"Because I love you mommy and your bed is nice and fluffy" he says laying on my chest. "Lil boy you not even on the bed you are on me"

"These are nice too" he says refurring to my boobs. I gasped. "Hey you gotta share those little man" Algee says coming over laying on my chest too. "I don't like y'all"

"We love these though" they both said. "Aye son you learned a valuable lesson today"

"Yeah I did dad"

"Sharing is caring" they both said snuggled up on me. What will I do with them?

Keith Powers & Algee Smith ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now