27) The Girl In The Floral Shop

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For the past few weeks my mom has been forcing me to come with her to this floral shop because my brother is getting married and she has to pick out the flowers. Well she doesn't have to she just wants to. Every time I come in I see this same girl in here. She's gorgeous and I catch myself staring at her and when she looks at me I just turn away. Today I was hoping to just stay at home and finish unpacking since I just moved into my new house. I was putting stuff away in my kitchen when I heard my door unlock. Oh god. I thought to myself as I put the bowls up. "Hello my favorite oldest son" I heard from behind me. I turned around and there stood my mom. "What can I help you with today ma" She sat in the stool at the island while putting her things down. "I need you again today to come to the floral shop"

"Ma why can't you take Kaylan or how about the bride could go why you gotta make me go"

"Well because I was hoping we could have some bonding time while you are out here your always gone filming somewhere"

"Ok I get it I'm never home and I would love to bond with you but not at a floral shop it takes away from everything I stand for as a man"

"Really Keith nothing is saying your less of a man"

"Going to the same floral shop every few days with my mother says I'm less of a man"

"And I also want you to meet someone today who actually works at the floral shop"

"This is what it has been about the past few weeks one of your schemes to get me a girlfriend"

"Yeah pretty much" she said grabbing a bottle of water out of my refrigerator. "Ma why do you want me to date someone so bad you know I'm not ready for a relationship right now"

"Your still heartbroken from that girl almost 3 years ago you need to find someone better than her who has things going for herself and you need a date to the wedding"

"I am not worried about her anymore she's in a whole new relationship and what if I don't want a date to the wedding." I said then my brother walked in. "What's up y'all what y'all talking about"

"Your brother needs a date to the wedding and I told him there is a girl at the floral shop that I think he should talk to"

"You been taking this man to a floral shop mom why it makes him fruity looking in a way"

"Exactly my point here"

"Whatever I'm not listening to y'all your not gay Keith and I know that but please do this for me"

"I don't even want a date to the wedding"

"Sorry big bro but either you get a date to the wedding or forget about being my best man"

"You not serious right now are you"

"Can you go get dressed please"

"I'm going to the gym after this"I said going upstairs putting on some workout clothes then we left. We got to the floral shop and I didn't see the girl that I usually see. That's just great. My mom went up to the counter and asked for someone. We went by the door and waited. This girl came out she was really tall, and skinny. She was light skinned but really pale. She had short blonde hair and wore a really tight dress that was short with some gladiator sandals. She had makeup all over her face. I didn't really think she was all that. "Keith this is Morgan the girl I was telling you about Morgan this is my son" I pulled me in for a hug. "It's nice to meet you" she kinda had an accent but she spoke really proper. "Yeah you too" I didn't realize we were in front of the door until I heard someone say excuse me. It was her. We moved out of the way and she went behind the counter. Morgan went up to her and I heard everything she said she was kinda rude. "I need you to water every flower in here and in the back or I'll make sure my mother fires your ass and dress classier you look like a classless rat" I heard her say. The girl just looked at her and Morgan walked back over to us. "Keith we are gonna go look at flowers outside in the back are you coming"my mom said.

"No I'm just gonna stand in here" they both left. "I hope your not planning to date that girl" I heard from the flower bush behind me. I went behind the bush and saw her. "Don't really want to but my mom thinks I should What's up with how she talks to you" She stood up with the watering pot in her hands.

"Her grandma let me start working here a few years back abd she's basically hated me since I'm Yn by the way" she says putting her hand out. "I'm Keith"

"I know who you are I like your work"

"Thank you very much"

"But your mother's choice in women not really up to par" she says walking to the back and back to the counter. "Y'all have been here a lot why"

"My brother is getting married and she wants to do floral arrangements"

"Ohhh interesting"

"Yeah and I don't think you look like a classless rat I think your outfit is pretty dope" she wore some ripped jeans with a pair of gold and white Jordans and a Mac Dre graphic Tee. "Thanks" she went back to picking up flowers and minding her business. "Is this like a family oriented business"

"Yeah in a way but I was going through some things so Miss Anne let me work here if I left a certain situation"

"Wow her grandma doesn't seem mean at all compared to her but what was the situation if you don't mind me asking"

"Don't really wanna talk about it right now"

"How about I take you out tonight when you get off work we can talk about it then" she was a little hesitant. "I get off at 6" It was 4:30 at the moment. "Alright I'll be here at 6 then"

"Your not slick you know that right" I heard her say as I started back walking around. "What do you mean"

"I have seen you looking at me when you come in why do you look at me so much"

"Because I think your beautiful" she was looking at some flowers picking at them. I saw a smile creep on her face. "Thank you" then my mom and Morgan walked back in.

"So I think y'all should go out tonight" my mom says. "No I can't I got plans tonight I'm going to wait in the car see you at 6 Yn"

"Yeah see you then" I heard her say as I walked outside. "Your gonna go on a date with that girl she's not even all that" Morgan said following me outside. "Why does it matter to you you don't know me it was nice meeting you Morgan but you should be a lot nicer to people"

"But I am nice to people" I heard her say as I got in the car.

So I'm gonna update again today since I didn't update yesterday. Part 2 or no? Comment and vote I hope y'all liked this.

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