83) Fortunate

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Y'all guess tf what. I'm in a bomb ass mood. And I wanted to drop this for y'all cause I'm happy as hell. I'm getting pulled out of American Lit tomorrow for a Junior assembly then I'm making gumbo in class and after school I'm going to see Detroit with my favorite person. Can't nobody fuck up my mood. So this here is dedicated to my best friend who ain't even on wattpad but it's coo. Btw this is inspired by an imagine by heavenwrites- called No, baby. So yeah I'm out here giving credit don't kill me. Enjoy y'all.

I was in bed and I honestly didn't feel good.I'm 2 and a half months pregnant. I thought it was just the baby making me feel this way but something didn't feel right. I felt something in my panties so I went to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet seeing blood everywhere. I got really scared. I changed then I drove to the hospital.

I got checked into a room and the doctor came in after doing some tests. "Hi Mrs. Smith I'm sorry to inform you that you had a miscarriage but we do have to do a small procedure to remove the rest of the egg from the womb"he says. I was so upset and just cried. I didn't want to Algee yet so I didn't. "Ok how long will I be here"

"The procedure is quick so right after the procedure you can go home" I nodded my head while wiping my eyes.

After the procedure I went home. I grabbed my favorite blanket and my full body pillow and my slippers and laid on the couch balled up in a ball with my glasses on. I cried a lot because I was sad and I was scared Algee was going to be upset with me and not want me anymore.

After crying for a good 2 hours I heard the garage door open then close signaling that Algee was home. He walked in the house while looking at his phone. "Hey baby what's up I been calling you all day why you not answering"

"...phone's dead" I said a little above a whisper. "Baby what's wrong and why are your glasses on" he knows I rarely wear my glasses and when I do wear them it's to hide my eyes in a way. "Nothing" I whimpered a little. He laid in front of me looking in my eyes and pulling off my glasses. "Why are you crying?" He asked me wiping the tears that had fallen off my face. "...I lost the baby" I say crying even harder. He pulled me on top of him and I cried into his chest for a minute. I got up and went to check the time. "What do you want for dinner" I asked him. "Are you cooking" he asked me. "Yeah don't I always cook"

"Not tonight go put on some shoes we going out tonight" he says to me. I went into our room grabbed my shoes and my phone.

I met him back at the car where he opened the door for me helping me inside.

We went to IHOP. He knows pancakes makes me happy. We got seated in a booth (am I the only person who has a thing for sitting in booths). He sat across from me. I put my head on the table since I was a little upset still. He grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers and lifting my head up. "Are you upset with me" I asked. "Why would I be" he says with a concerned look. "Because of the baby you were so excited and then this happens"

"Baby honestly I'm not mad maybe this was supposed to happen it's nothing you could've done it was just supposed to happen maybe this was a sign from God telling us it wasn't our time yet but it's gonna happen" he says kissing my hands. "Yeah your right"

"I love you" he says. "I love you too"

"These pancakes better be on point since they taking so long with them" I chuckled at his comment. "Ok Algee but thank you baby"

"No need to thank me it's all apart of my job and duty as a man and a husband"

"Well you a fine ass man and the best husband"

"Oh jolly thanks" he says in a fake nerdy voice making me laugh.

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