65) It's A Baby Shower!!!

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This request is for talkaboutjayy. I hope you like it❤❤❤.

Today is my baby shower and the day I find out what we are having. This morning I woke up to the smell of bacon. I have been craving bacon my whole pregnancy so I was completely excited when I smell the bacon. I guess the baby got excited too because the baby started kicking away.

I got out of bed and went to brush my teeth and I put on my slippers and went to the kitchen. Algee was in the kitchen with his speaker on playing 'Dear Mama' while dancing and cooking shirtless. "Good morning handsome" I said getting his attention. "What's up my gorgeous wife and how's my baby boy in there" he says walking up to me kissing me then rubbing my swollen belly. "How do you know it's a boy we haven't even found out yet"
"I just know now go on to the table we gotta hurry up we got a long day" I did as he said and sat at the table.

After we ate we took a shower and we left for my doctor's appointment.

As we checked in not even 5 minutes later they called me back.

We got in the room and waited for the doctor. "You want it to be a boy don't you" I asked Algee."Yeah so I can have a little mini version of myself duh"

I rolled my eyes playfully at his answer. The doctor finally came in. "Good morning Jade and you too Algee" we both responded with good morning.

She put the cold gel on my stomach and started the ultrasound. "Alright so there is the baby's arm and the baby's handed" she says. The baby had it's face covered with it's hand. "You guys ready to know"

"She isn't supposed to know until later on today" Algee argues. "Ohhh well Algee step outside with me for a moment so I can let you know what y'all are having" the doctor says. They walked outside for a second then came back in.

After we left the doctor's office we went to pick up a few more things for the baby shower. Then we went to the place we were having the shower at and Woody and Keith and Keith's girlfriend Ari were setting up. "Hey guys" I said to them. "What's poppin" Ari and Keith both say. "I'm tired of your shit Jade" Woody says. "What the hell? What did I do?" I asked knowing exactly what I did. "You got us here putting up these damn decorations you should do it yourself"

"You mad Wood" Algee asked him while laughing. "Hell yeah I want to be asleep right now it's too damn early for this shit"

"Boy it's 12 in the afternoon. What part of this is early?" I said. "In Woody's world this is early" Ari says. "Keith Woody I need to talk to y'all anyway now get y'all asses outside" Algee says walking out the door. Ari was sitting down putting small decorations on the table. "What's up kid why you so quiet today" I asked her. "It's nothing really just I'm ready for this thing to start already" she says with a nervous chuckle. I just shrugged it off.

3 hours later the baby shower is finally starting.

3 hours later the baby shower is finally starting

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I completely loved how it came out. Our friends and family had came in. I changed into my outfit for the baby shower.

 I changed into my outfit for the baby shower

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We were all having fun playing games. "Alright next game guys" I yelled out. "Daddy duty. The object is to see which one of the guys can change the diaper the fastest and put the diaper on right" I explained. This should be hilarious. We had a table set up with 6 baby dolls that needed diaper changes. The whole NE Cast was up there. "Alright I got this" Keith says going up to the table. "And I believe you are gonna fail bae" I said to Algee as he walked to the table. "Aye you put so much doubt in ya man chill"

"Ari got my back ain't that right baby"

"Nope not at all none of y'all know how to change diapers" she says in a blunt tone resulting in everyone laughing. "That's messed up Ari" Keith says.

"Alright y'all the game starts now" they were all changing diapers. They mainly looked confused the whole time. "Done" Elijah says holding up the baby. "The baby's butt is halfway out Eli" his girlfriend Emily says. "I can't even" the whole game was hilarious.

After that it was time to open gifts. Algee had his phone out taking videos and Max had his camera taking pictures of everything.

I was almost done when Algee handed me a box. "Who's it from Jay" he says with his phone in my face. "It says from daddy" I say with a chuckle. I opened the box and it had a piece of paper in it that says 'It's' then Woody came up with another box. I opened the box and it had another piece of paper that says 'a'. "You are a jerk Algee" I said to him. "I am not a jerk"

"This is really extra" I said. Then Keith walks over with a bigger box than the other 2. I stood up and opened it and it had a huge sheet of paper that says 'Girl'. It was a cut up banner and I taped it together and me and Algee held it up. "It's a girl everybody" I announced. Everyone clapped and came up congratulating us.

It soon came the end of the shower. I can say this was an amazing day.

I hope you liked it.

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