94) Dangerous 9

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Alright just like Algee I'm slowly but surely coming back. Hope y'all like this. 3 imagines in one day I'm doing good.

I was back in between all three of them and Yn still had this gun pointed at me as I was on the ground still. "Yo Yn what the fuck was that for?!" I yelled at her. She shot again next to my head. "So KP huh? Tell all my shit now like a lil bitch. What ever happened to real niggas don't snitch?" She shot next to the first shot in my leg. "AHHH FUCK" I screamed out in pain.

Algee walks up to her and whispers something in her ear. Her eyes that were filled with pure hatred and anger softened as she put the gun down. "Good bye Keith. Fuck off." She walks away. Algee walks up kneeling down to me. "I just spared your ass so now you gon do this one thing for me. Some people bout to come and if they ask you got shot in some gang related stuff. Got it?"

"Why the fuck am I doing what you say?" I say. He put the gun to my temple. "First off I got the gun second off you fucked her over one too many times and I'm saving you and I can have your ass locked up in a second." I nodded my head and he moved the gun. Lance got in Algee's car and left while Algee just stood there until I heard sirens. I seen Detective Martinez run up. "What happened Smith" She asked him. "I don't know I got here and he was laid out and I just got here ain't no telling how long he been here" I seen paramedics coming and they took me to the hospital.

I felt myself getting weak and my vision got blurry until everything went completely blank.

I sat in my car waiting on Algee. He finally came out of the hospital and got in the car. "So you gon tell me what happened now" he says as we drove away to his apartment. "I got fired. He told chief everything minus the shit he was in."

I just sat there looking out the window as we drove in silence. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. He turned around going back to the hospital Keith was at.

I finally woke up seeing I was in the hospital. I looked around seeing Yn sitting in the chair next to my bed. "Yn I'm-"

"Don't even lie to me. Nigga you ain't sorry for shit. What you sorry for? Being a sorry ass nigga. Cause that's what you are. I went to jail for you sold my body for you sold my soul for you and abandoned my family for you but look what happened. The thanks I got for all the shit you did to me was what. Me losing my job. Why the fuck are you so in my head? Leave my life. For good! I want you out of my life because you have taken to much from me and all you can give me is a simple sorry and the shit gon be ok. It ain't gon be ok. I hope Algee locks yo ass up just so you can get what you deserve." She says to me with tears. I felt tears coming down my face as she left the room.

The chief came in with Algee and Lance 30 minutes after she left. "Keith Powers. You are under arrest for several different acts. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney if you can not afford one one will be appointed to you by the court." Algee explains handcuffing me to the bed.

Keith Powers & Algee Smith ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now