35) Same Girl |Keith&Algee

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This is for playlxst. Hope you like it Love. And don't forget to request before Saturday.


was out on a date with this girl I met a few weeks named Zsana. We just got finished bowling and now I'm taking her home. "You know you don't have to go home you can always come kick it at my house" I said as we pulled into her neighborhood. "Not this time maybe next time I have work in the morning but I wish I could"

"One of these days you gotta come by and spend the night with me though" I said While we walked to her front door. "Alright I'll take you up on that offer one of these nights"

"What you doing tomorrow night" I asked. "I'm going out with some friends don't know when I'll be home"

"Oh that sucks for me because I was completely available"

"Sorry"she said. "Well I'll see you later Keith"she says unlocking her door. I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in and kissed her. "Just gon leave me without that " I said letting her go. She was blushing like crazy. "Good night Keith" she said closing her front door.

I headed home and as soon as I got home I saw Algee was there. He's been staying with me since his apartment building is being fumigated. I walked in and he was on the couch smiling at his phone. "What's up midget" I said setting my keys on the coffee table. "Nothing just chillin"

"What got you so happy"I asked. "Nothing just talking to this girl I met not too long ago"

"Oh she got the boy in love over here huh"

"Now I wouldn't say I'm in love I just say she coo"

"Oh alright whatever what you up to tomorrow night I ain't got nothing to do" I said. "I got a date so I'm gon be busy but I'm going to bed good night"he says getting up going back upstairs.

I went to my room took a quick shower and laid in my bed. I grabbed my phone and decided to text her and see if she's still up.

You up Z?

Unfortunately I am

Why is it unfortunate

Because I need to be asleep I got stuff to do tomorrow

Well go to sleep then

I can't

Go drink some milk

😒What the hell is that supposed to do

I don't know people have random sleep habits they do that helps fall asleep

And you figured mine was milk

Yep I just took a guess

We texted for a little while until she finally went to sleep. After awhile I fell asleep.

I was in the kitchen eating when Keith finally came down. "Good morning freckles"

"Morning Midget"he says looking in the refrigerator. "I forgot to ask how your date was last night"

"It was good"

"Ok well I got an interview I got to head to so I'll see you later"I said getting ready to leave.

A few hours later

I was at this restaurant with the girl her name is Zsana. We were laughing and eating. "I'm telling you my mom was crazy back when I was younger" she says we were talking about our childhood then I saw Keith walk in with his best friend Alenah. He saw me and walked over to our table. "What's up Gee"he said as we did our handshake. "What's good hey Lenah"

"What's poppin"she says. "Keith this is who I was telling you about this is -" then he cut me off. "Zsana what you doin here I thought you were going out with some friends tonight"

He says confused. "Y'all know each other"I asked confused. "Yeah this is who I've been telling you about" he says. "So you been talking to both of us Z"I said looking at her. "Wait Algee Keith I can explain" she says

"Go ahead and explain"

"I started talking to both of y'all and I liked both of y'all but I didn't want to tell y'all what was going on so I just didn't say anything and I'm sorry"she explained. I didn't say anything and Keith just sat there. "So I thought I came here for food not drama therefore I'm taking my short happy ass to the car good night Algee and I don't actually know your name so yeah" Alenah says walking out of the restaurant.

When she left it was just an awkward silence. "Keith are you dating her"she says. "No but it's apparent that you are dating both of us so you gotta choose do you want me or this midget" Keith says. "Can we not make fun of my height right now" I said.

"Alright sorry but Z who do you choose"Keith says.

She started to stumble over her words. "Can I have some time to think about it"she managed to say. "Yeah you got 5 minutes" Keith says getting up.

5 minutes later Keith came back to the table. "So did you think about it"

"Honestly I really like both of you and I wasn't try to do anything to either of y'all but I really got feelings for Keith but if you don't want to be with me that's coo and I'm really sorry Algee"she says. I ain't gon lie my feelings was a little hurt but it is what it is. "Alright I understand completely I'm gonna take Lenah home so I'll just see y'all both later" I said getting out of the booth heading to my car. Alenah was leaning on my car on her phone with a to go box in her hands. "When did you get food" I asked. "I ordered ahead of time you alright baby Gee" she asked me.

"I'm coo I guess I'm taking you home"I said we got in the car and I dropped her off and went back to Keith's house. After awhile of sitting at the house just chillin Keith came back.

"Aye Gee I'm sorry about what happened if you don't want us to date then I won't date her"he says walking to where I was. "It's cool Keith don't stress it I'm happy for you" I said going to the room. "Good night scrub" I said.

Sorry this wasn't my best but I tried.

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