59) Best Friends?

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This request is for blue_mixx. Hope you like it❤❤❤.

I was in me and Woody's apartment cleaning up glass that had gotten broken while crying my eyes out. We got into another really bad argument and we started throwing stuff at each other and he left.

After I cleaned up the glass I went into our room and grabbed a bag and threw a few pair clothes in it and I got my phone charger phone and keys and I drove to my best friend Algee's house.

As soon as I got there I knocked on the door. "Why you knockin" he says but stops when he sees my face. He pulls me into a hug and I cried into his chest. "What happened this time" he asked as we went to the couch. "He got another girl pregnant" I cried even harder. This girl was supposed to be my friend too. "Where is he now"

"I don't know we got into it and he left"

"Why are you with him"

"I don't know anymore I thought I loved him" I said. "Well I guess the feeling ain't mutual the way you always upset this ain't healthy you need to get out of this relationship"

"But I have no where else to go. My car my apartment he bought it's all in his name"

"What you mean you ain't got nowhere else to go you see this big ass house I got all by myself. It's only me and Dolce here"

"I don't want to be a burden on you"

"Trust me you aren't being a burden on me if I want you here"

"Thanks best friend I'm gonna go to bed now" I said getting up heading to the guest room.

"Yeah best friend" I mumbled as she walked away. Ughh what is wrong with me. Why can't I just tell her I don't want to be best friends anymore. I went to my room and just paced around it talking to myself. "Why you gotta be such a dumbass Algee why won't you just be like hey Bobbi I love you a lot no I'm in love with you no she don't want my short ass she got Woody. What the fuck is wrong with me. I want her but I know I can't have her because she's with someone who acts like he doesn't even want her. You know what I'll just sleep on it" I said to myself out loud as I climbed in my bed. "Ya know you make yourself look crazy talking to yourself like that" I heard and jumped. "H-hey best friend you scared me uh how much did you hear"

"Um all of it" she says leaning on the doorway. "Hehe" I fake laughed. "So you love me Algee"

"Yes I do but I was too scared to tell you that"

"Why were you so scared to tell me we tell each other everything"

"Because you always go back to Woody so I thought you wouldn't want me since you love Woody"

"I don't want Woody I wanted you but I thought you wanted to just be friends so I never told you how I felt"

"You tellin me what I think you tellin me"

"Yes I'm in love with you too Algee" she says with a chuckle. "Wow I was scared for no reason"

"Pretty much now scoot over I want to sleep in your bed"

I scooted over and she climbed in my bed. "And don't talk to yourself you seem a little off doing that"


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