21) Selfish

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I was walking into school and I went to Yn locker and she wasn't there yet so I just stood there waiting. I saw her walking down the hall when one of her "friends" come hugging her and they talked until she got to her locker. "Hey best friend" she says opening her locker. "What's up with ole dude you was just talking to"

"Oh you talking about Pryce nothing at all"

"You know he just stared at your ass the whole way to your locker"

"So your observed us walking down here huh" she says grabbing stuff from her locker. "Maybe I was but did he just ask you out"

"Ughhh yes he did tomorrow night Keith why is that any of your concern"

"He has a whole girlfriend plus tomorrow is supposed to be our movie night you know this"

"Yes Keith I know but if it makes you feel better I won't go out with him"

"Unless you really want to but then that's gonna be drama with his girlfriend Destiny" She rolled her eyes turning to look at me. "Thanks for your concern Keith but I can handle situations like this on my own now I'm gonna head to class you know Mrs. King doesn't play so you should go to class"

"Yeah right behind you"

We got to class and she went to sit down in her assigned seat next to one of her friends and I sat down next to Woody. "So what's the jealousy for today" he asked looking at me. "Pryce asked her out this morning"

"Keith I don't know why you playing with her just tell her how you feel you can't keep ruining her chances with other guys the rest of our senior year"

"I can't do that you know I ain't trying to be in a relationship right now"

"Well it's clear she wants to be in a relationship and you ain't helpin" Algee says walking in chewing on a honey bun. "Nigga why you always eating"

"Because I can now move yo leg chump" I moved my leg so he could walk through. Then our teacher came in the room. "Good morning class we got something exciting going on for the next to weeks"

"Mrs. King not to be rude but this class isn't fun and neither are you" Woody says. "And Mr. McClain I'll be sure you are on my detention list and tell me how fun it is there"

Mrs. King went on to telling us we had a project. "You guys will be partnered up by me so don't get to overjoyed"

Then I heard somebody yell "hey Mrs. King you should let me partner up with Yn"

"Jacob in your dreams it will happen" she yells back at him. "Ok that's enough Ms. Yln and Mr. Latimore"

She gave us all our partners and I was partnered with Yn. She told us to group up and I went over and sat next to Yn. "Hey best friend" she says to me. "What's good now what are we doing this project on she never told us"

"She really didn't tell us but I have a question Keithy"

"What's up"

"What's been going on with you lately you really been clingy lately and don't want me to be involved in anybody what's up with that"

"I just um I'm just looking out for my best friend you know these guys coming at you left and right all don't really meet the best friend requirement" she gave me this weird look. "Um ok whatever floats your boat Keith"

Mrs. King went and explained the project to us. Then the bell for us to go to our next class rang.

Skip about 3 weeks.

So we were in Mrs. King's class and Mrs. King wasn't here today. Yn came late this morning. Woody leaned over trying to get my attention. "Aye Keith you heard word around school"

"What you talking about Woody"

"Oh I heard Yn got a boyfriend you know that dude Malik" Woody says

"Malik Knighten"

"Yeah that guy I heard they been talking and somebody told me she was hugged up with him on snapchat" Algee said making my blood boil. I saw her walk into class and gave the sub her late note and sat down. I decided not to say anything to her yet.

At the end of the day she had softball practice and after her practice I sat leaning against her car. "Hey best friend" she says walking to the car with a smile on her face. "We need to talk"

"About what"

"I heard you and Malik go out why didn't you tell me"

"Because I knew how you would react and I just wanted to wait for it to be the right time to tell you"

"And why did you do it if you knew how I would react"

"Because I really like him Keith and I took a chance I don't understand why you act like this"

"Because I like you a lot yn I mean a lot and I don't like seeing you with other guys because I just want you with me"

"Then why didn't you say that Keith instead of chasing every guy that comes my way away"

"I'm not ready for a relationship Yn and I don't want to waste your time"

"Really Keith you wasted my time being selfish and not wanting me to talk anyone else"

"Look Yn I'm sorry I wasted your time but I didn't know what else to do and I thought chasing other guys away would make you understand how much I wanted you"

"It's ok Keith can we talk about this though over some ice cream please I really want some"

"Yeah sure why not"

Sorry i haven't updated today. The new season of Orange Is The New Black dropped this morning and I been watching it all day. But part 2 or nah??? Comment.

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