Chapter 18 - August 1973

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Amanda's POV

Wednesday, August 1, 1973.

I'm at the NME in the morning when Mike, my co-worker throws the new weekly magazine on the table.

- See what they wrote about Queen. Page 19. "He said arching his eyebrows.

I open the magazine on page 19 and simply the journalist who wrote the review about the band's first album is detonating Queen. The NME journalist who is using a pseudonym in the subject matter, not to be discovered, said Queen paid musicians to record the band's first album because Freddie, John, Brian and Roger are not competent musicians and were not able to record the album. Album and paid musicians to do this and the album was considered: a bucket of urine collides.

"The journalist we do not know has been using a pseudonym not to be discovered and has simply detonated Queen," Mike said in alarm. "How will your friends react?"

"I do not know," I said worriedly, rubbing my cheek. "But I'm not to blame for this, Mike, I'm not. Freddie, Brian, John and Roger can not blame me for this.

- Of course not, but that they will be upset still with you will stay, therefore, you are one of the NME interns. They're going to want answers, "Mike said.

I sigh loudly. Mike's right, they'll be pissed off with me.

At six in the afternoon, when I leave the magazine, I meet Cíntia and leave the magazine building and take the subway to the apartment we live together.

"I'm afraid of their reaction, Cynthia," she said thoughtfully. "Well, even though I do not know who wrote this review, they're going to turn on me, they want a position from whoever might have written that damn article.

"If that's the case, they'll be pissed at me as well, because I'm an NME trainee and they'll be able to let me take more photos of the band." - Cynthia said upset - I do not want Brian getsupset with me.

"They will not be upset with you, Cynthia, do not worry, you're a photo intern, I'm a journalist. The problem with them now is the journalists. Shit. All my effort I wrote about the album's release was erased by this destructive reporting. I do not know if I'll have the heart to see them on Saturday when we'll all go to a pub. She said thoughtfully.

Roger's POV

August first. Freddie, Bri, Deacy and I are at Trident Studios, because today is the first day we're recording Queen's second album, but now at decent time, Monday through Friday from eight in the morning to six in the afternoon and On Saturdays from eight to noon. After the first day of recording the second album, after six o'clock in the afternoon, when we finished recording, Roy Thomas Baker, our producer, gave us the magazine New Musical Express, where Cíntia and Mandy are trainees.

- Article about Queen page 19, see for yourselves - our music producer said leaving the room.

I felt that matter would not be good for the band.

Freddie picked up the magazine and on page 19 was a page talking about our first Queen album. Freddie began to read aloud:

'' Queen to start is a ridiculous name for a band, do not you think? They will never be a respected band in the world of Rock and Roll. They are arrogant, self-centered and they also do not have a musical talent to match a Led Zeppelin, The Who, Pink Floyd, among other great bands. Freddie, Brian, John and Roger are not able to record in a studio, an album. They are not competent musicians. They certainly paid for real musicians to record the band's first album, but even paying real musicians to record the first album titled just as Queen did not go well and they know why: The Queen album is nothing but a bucket of urine.

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