Chapter 28 - May 1974

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First of May, Wednesday

Roger's POV

I called Emily and she said everything that happened, about the photos, the letter she received and also that a story from NME magazine had been on Queen's tour so far in the United States that was being marked by orgies. It was not Mandy who published this report, but it was her magazine colleagues. Surely she knew that these photos and reports would be published. The boys and I were worried. Another thing that worried us even more that also came out in the NME magazine was about the Queen II album that is totally without identity, which does not excite and that way Queen will never succeed. Whoever signed this report was the mysterious journalist who calls himself the Messenger of the NME. This is already ridiculous. Emily is very upset with me and I asked her to come to me at the New York presentation, but Emily denied it and said she would wait for my return to London in early June to talk.I thought Emily was going to break up with me, but, she did not finish and I was surprised about that. She's very hurt, but she might give me a chance.

The days of May were going by, we did shows in New York and after the performance in the city, we took a flight towards Boston. The tour has had its ups and downs, overall it is medium.But, it's been an incredible experience. There are cities that welcome us, others not so much. But what worries us now is when we get to London and see all that hype, provoked by the magazine New Musical Express.

On May 10, on Friday morning, we would test because, at night, apresentaríamos in Boston, but Brian, on waking in the morning, could not move around so much pain he felt and then drag To the bathroom, he saw in the mirror that his skin was yellow. The boys and I rushed him to the hospital closest to the hotel and after some tests, the doctor told us:

- Brian has hepatitis and needs to be hospitalized immediately. You will have to go back to London today and have you taken to a hospital.

We did not believe this was happening. We'll have to stop the tour in half. Quickly we returned to the hotel, packed our bags and Brian, who had no condition at all. I swear I felt a fear of losing my friend. After we packed our bags, we went to the airport and bought urgent tickets back to London. Freddie, Deacy and I carried Brian, who was very pale and complained of pain.They all looked at us. The airline company seeing that the situation was urgent, put us on the nearest flight. Two hours later, we took a flight back to London. During the nearly twelve hours of flying I thought of everything that was happening to Bri and her sudden illness and our reputation in the UK and I still have to face Emily's fury. But also, I know what I will do when I arrive in London.

After almost twelve hours of flight we disembarked at London International Airport and called an ambulance urgently. Every passer-by at the airport saw what was happening, even the band's fans. Brian was put on a stretcher and was taken urgently to King's College Hospital and the boys and I accompanied them.

At the hospital, I called Mr. Harold and Mrs. Ruth and explained what happened. They ran to the hospital. Brian was in a room already receiving the necessary medications and Freddie, Deacy and I gave Brian all the support. He asked our friends to be advised of his state of health and I will do so.

The same day I warned everyone, including Cynthia, and asked her to warn the demon named Mandy. On the same day, Emily went to my apartment and slapped my face hard and spat at him.

"How can you betray me, Rog?" I really love you and you betrayed me. She cried.

I was penalized with Emily, even though I did not love her. Then I held her tight and asked for forgiveness.

"Forgive me, Emily, please, I swear, if you will forgive me, I will not betray you again." I like you, I want to be with you - Said without conviction.

I just wanted to stay with her, for a hobby and forget about other things. She looked at me crying and said,

"I love you so much that I can forgive you, but you must swear you'll never betray me again."

"I swear I'll never betray you again," he said sadly.

Then she hugged me and wept in my embraces and we kissed on the lips.

The next day, on Saturday, the eleventh, I went to Cynthia and Mandy's apartment. I was greeted by them and told Mandy:

"Why did you send the damn pictures to my girlfriend with that ridiculous letter?" I asked angrily.

"Anyway, she'd know about all this, because it was broadcast in all UK magazines, Roger Taylor's whores. You're the one who made the most of it, "she said with a smile." You're no good.You son of a bitch, Taylor, a loser.

- NEVER SAY THAT I'M A LOSER - I yelled at Mandy losing my temper because I remembered my father.


"Shut up your mouth, you bastard," I yelled back.

- THE TWO SHALL COME OR I'LL HAVE TO CALL THE POLICE, WHO DRUGS! Cynthia screamed, too, trying to calm the moods.

Emily came up to me nervously, saying why I did this to her. Mandy smiled wryly. "The fool thought you would be an exemplary, sensitive, loyal, loyal boyfriend, but that will never happen.You will end up alone your last days of life, blond sour and you know why? Because women only use you, because you're beautiful, but, you're hollow inside, you have nothing to give.

It hurt me deeply and I was not a sensitive boy, but, Mandy's words went deep in my heart.

"Enough, Mandy, come in, please," she said, almost crying.

I remembered many things from my childhood and adolescence.

"You're too insensitive, Amanda. She is arrogant, arrogant, ambitious, vindictive. Talk about me later, but you're becoming a monster. Thank goodness we're not friends anymore. For a moment I thought that everything could be different, that you would be different, but, you are as rotten as the other journalists of the press. The boys and I know that it was not you who published those absurdities in the magazine, about the two reports, but, you are becoming like them. And I'm going to warn the boys about this, "he said looking at her and then at Cyntia." Watch out for your best friend, Cynthia.

At that moment, I leave the apartment, completely devastated. And then I get in my car and I go out singing tire with the car and tears flow from my eyes.

Amanda's POV

I sit on the couch with trembling body. Cíntia hands me a glass of water with sugar. I take the liquid and tears flow from my eyes.

"Am I becoming that monster Roger said, Cynthia?" - He said crying.

"Girlfriend, you're not that monster yet, but I'm afraid that's going to happen. And when will you hide from everyone about Alex, who is your father? - Cyntia said looking at me - I am your friend and I want to help you. Do not be so vindictive with people you do not like.

I hug my friend Cynthia crying a lot. I have to change that picture, but, I do not know how.

To be continued.

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