Chapter 61 - August 1975

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Sunday, August 03, 1975.

Amanda's POV

Seven o'clock. I'll pack up my suitcase tomorrow, Cynthia and I will go to Ridge Farm, for Queen will record the band's new album at Rockfield Studios on Ridge Farm in Monmouth, An hour from London.

I separate two suitcases with clothes and shoes. I separated some pairs of bikinis, because I knew that there is a pond near the place and of course I will enjoy the hot days.

I finish packing my bag and sit on my bed and open the drawer of the desk next to my bed. At that moment, I see the picture of Roger and my hugging, kissing, which was in the portrait door. I'll take the picture and step my hand through it. Roger and I would have a year of dating today if nothing had happened. Tears run from my eyes, over the photo and I start to cry in silence. A short time later, Cynthia enters my room.

"Mandy, can we order the pizza?" At that moment Cyntia stops talking and looks at me in pain.

I try to wipe my face and Cynthia in front of me and get the picture I'm holding.

"You are so beautiful together." She smiled. "They were born for each other."

"No, we were not born for each other," she said, crying, looking at Cynthia. "I've lost Rog forever. I try to be strong, show him I'm fine, moving on, but, I'm suffering, Cynthia. My heart suffers. Roger and I would be completing a year of dating today.

"My flower," Mandy said, sitting beside me. "My friend, do not cry. Roger and you will still understand each other, but this is a matter of time.

"He wanted my death, Cynthia," he said, crying. "He does not love me anymore. He is already with Emily again and the way he is able to take her to Ridge Farm.

"From what Bri commented to me on the phone today, Emily will not go to Ridge Farm because she'll be doing a modeling job." Stay calm, my friend, if Roger is with Emily it is only to harm her. - Cynthia said. "And if Roger said that about you dying, Mandy, he said that in a completely nervous moment, he did not know what he said, he said out of the mouth, please, flower, he does not think he really wants his death . Roger is suffering as quiet as you and loves you very much.

I smiled wistfully.

"I do not believe it anymore," he said sadly. "Today when I had lunch with my father in the restaurant, he asked for patience to face the things that will come and that Roger still loves me and that we will be together.

"And your father is right, my friend," Cynthia said, wiping away my tears. "Please stop crying. From tomorrow you will begin to show a new Mandy, a new woman, stronger, determined, much more than you already are. Do not worry my friend. It will work.

"I'm not going to cry any more for Roger," she said in pain. "He does not deserve my tears. I doubt he's crying for me right now. He must be with Emily, having sex with her.

"Mandy, you do not know about it," Cynthia said.

"But it's the truth, Cynthia. That's the truth. Roger must be in that moment with Emily, "she said sadly.

Roger's POV

I spent the morning and Sunday afternoon with Emily. We had sex and she promised that when she gets a break from her work, she'll go to Ridge Farm to pay me a visit while I'm recording the album.

At that moment I finish packing my suitcase. Tomorrow morning I leave for Ridge Farm with the boys, heading for Monmouth. After I finish my speech, Les enters my room and says:

"Rog, I ordered Japanese food to eat. Already arrived.

"I'm coming, Les, thank you very much, my brother." I smile at him.

Les goes back to the kitchen and I lie in my bed and light a cigarette and start thinking about Mandy. Today we would have a year of courtship if we were together. My eyes fill with tears and I weep silently thinking of my great love, the love of my life, but, I can not forgive her, I can not forgive her for everything she has omitted for a long time about being Alex's daughter. I also felt offended because I feel that she thought I was a self-interested guy, that if I knew before she would be Alex's daughter I would only stay with her for interest and this is not true. I love Mandy for what she is, but, my heart is very disappointed, hurt and I can not forgive the redhead.

I puff on my cigarette and continue to cry. And just thinking that for forty days, she'll be close to me. Oh, Mandy, why can not I take it from my heart?

After I finish smoking, still crying, I open the drawer of my desk next to my bed and pick up two photos that are Mandy. In one photo, Mandy and I are kissing, in love and in the other photo, there is a photo of just Mandy, smiling beautifully, with braid in her hair. My beautiful redhead. I wonder if I take the pictures in my bag or not, but at the end I take the picture that is just Mandy and put it in my bag. Her picture will go with me.

After dinner, Japanese food, I'm going to sleep, I'm discouraged. I lie on my bed and pick up the picture that I'm with Mandy and the kiss and then put it under my pillow. And I close my eyes and in my mind comes the image of Mandy, smiling at me. I love you very much and I hate you too, little redhead. Why did you fucking hurt me?

Why did not you trust me to speak your things? That hurt me, Mandy. I sigh and try to sleep, but, I'm late in falling asleep, because, every moment I think of my ex-girlfriend. Then I get out of bed and go to the living room and pick up the phone and dial Mandy and Cynthia's apartment number. It's midnight now. The phone rang five times, until I heard a sleeping voice as if someone had just woken up.

Roger? Is that you? Mandy asked.

Fucking hell. I completely forgot that in the girls' apartment there is an electronic bina, where you can see the numbers they call.

- Amanda? Sorry it was a mistake. I'd call the boys and call you. Good evening, "I said, putting the phone down quickly, but just hearing his beautiful voice, my heart quickened.

Amanda's POV

Were you in a wonderful sleep and Roger mistakenly called my apartment? Of course I did not. By the way the blonde was thinking of me. I smile at the thought of this possibility.

To be continued.

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