Chapter 40 - The clutches of Freddie / January 1975

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Amanda's POV

Saturday, January eighteenth, 1975.

Today is finally the marriage of John and Veronica. We are all at the Carmelite Priory on Church Street in Kensington. Veronica is in the second month of pregnancy. It's five-thirty in the afternoon. The religious ceremony is scheduled to take place at six in the afternoon. Mary, Cindy and I will be Veronica's bridesmaid, while Freddie, Bri and Rog will be John's squires. John 's godfather is his old schoolmate and former drummer for the band, Opposition, which John did in Leicester. The name of his godfather is Nigel Bullen. We are outside the church, waiting for the bride to arrive to begin the religious ceremony. John is nervous.

"And if Veronica gave up marrying me, what would become of me?" - Said my friend desperately.

"John, Veronica would never do such a thing," he said, running a hand over his shoulder.

"The brides are usually late Deacy," Rogu smiled. "Soon your lover will be here." And where's Freddie? Is he one of the pages and still has not arrived? Mary, where's your boyfriend?

"Rog, I do not know. I went to bed at Mandy's house, with Cynthia and her. By the time I left, Freddie was still at the apartment and said that the triumphal church would arrive, "said Mary.

"I just hope he does not delay more than the bride," Roger said smiling, hugging me.

After the religious ceremony, there will not be a wedding party, just a dinner and some salgados that will be served to the godparents, pages, bridesmaids and the parents of the bride and groom. I made Veronica's wedding cake and the party candies. It was my wedding gift to them. The reception will be held after the religious ceremony in the parlor of the same church.

Shortly thereafter, Freddie actually arrived triumphantly: he arrived at the ceremony in a long limousine, wearing a large feather stole and holding a glass of champagne.

"Is Freddie the bride, by any chance?" Bullen, Freddie's godfather, said mockingly.

"You really look like the bride," Rog said mockingly.

"Good afternoon, my dear," Freddie smiled openly. - How am I? At that moment he took a turn.

"My love, you really look like the bride of the ceremony." Mary smiled, kissing him.

"Speaking of bride, where's Veronica?" You gave up marrying Deacy's crazy, is that it? - He said smiling.

"Veronica will be here soon," he said, smiling.

"Veronica will be here soon, John. Do not listen to what your crazy friends say. "Cyntia smiled.

"I want to relax, but I can not. - John said.

"Calm down, my friend, it will be all right," Brian smiled.

Mary, Cynthia and I are dressed in a red fall dress that chose the model and the color was Veronica, while the boys are in the dark suit and the red tie, to match the color of the dresses. Ten to six o'clock. Clare goes up the steps of the church.

"Veronica has arrived and is inside her father's car across the street," my sister-in-law said, smiling.

John smiled back. We'd better get ready. Six o'clock, sharp. The church was already full, with John and Veronica's relatives and some close friends as well. First John entered the church with his mother and he stood at the altar, waiting for the bride. Next came John's godfather and Veronica's godmother. Then they entered the church Cynthia and Bri, Rog and I, and finally Freddie and Mary. Freddie was very smiling, all feathered, when by carelessness, he tripped on the red carpet, which was placed in the center of the church and fell from mouth to floor. Some gifts began to laugh, but then they stopped. Freddie stood up as if nothing had happened, arranged his clothes, his feathers, and walked with Mary to the altar. Rog and I laughed nonchalantly, looking at each other. Rog stood on the altar across from me.

The ceremony took place very well, when the priest said:

- Please, the rings.

"Dear Bri, the rings," Freddie demanded.

Bri, who was with the couple's rings, put his hand in the pocket of his pants and did not find them.

"And the wedding rings?" Asked the priest.

Bri, already desperate, could not find them.

"I missed the wedding rings, I'm sorry," said the guitarist.

At that moment Freddie burst into laughter at the church and everyone looked at him seriously.

"How did you lose the alliance, dear Bri?" Do not worry, I know where it is. "Freddie chuckled.

Bri was wearing a top hat on top of his wig, a magical-looking top hat, so Freddie pulled out the guitarist's top hat and reached for the rings that were inside the top hat.

"Here are the rings, dear priest," Freddie said, smiling.

"How did you know the alliances were in the top hat?" Bri asked.

"I put them in the top hat, my dear," laughed Freddie.

"Young people, please be quiet," the priest said.

Then John and Veronica put on the rings and kissed each other and applauded. Soon after, Veronica hugged her godmother and bridesmaids, and John hugged his godfather and the pages. Freddie, enthusiastically, hugged John in a gaudy way, grabbing him:

- Congratulations dear Deacy, congratulations my friend - said Freddie smiling, but, again he got unbalanced and knocked Deacy to the ground and he fell as well.

Everyone in the church was astonished, with the fumbling Freddie.

"Help the bridegroom and the page," the priest said.

The boys picked up Freddie and John, who quickly recovered.

A short time later, Freddie began to doze on the altar. Does he look like he did not sleep at night? And it was already falling, but Bri and Rog held it.

"Freddie, is this a bedtime?" - Asked my boyfriend.

"Who said I was asleep?" - Freddie said.

At the end of the ceremony we all left, before the bride and groom. Outside of the church, Bri, Rog, and Freddie had a little grain of rice in their pocket, and the moment John and Veronica left the church, Bri and Rog threw the rice grains into them, as well as other guests, Freddie threw back the rice grains, hitting the priest's face.

"But what does all this mean?" Said the priest angrily, and everyone laughed.

"Sorry, Father," said Freddie.

Already at the front desk was served the salads and dinner and close to midnight Veronica and John cut the wedding cake and toasted it and then was served cake and pastry to the guests.

Rog sat beside me and kissed my lips.

"The cake and the sweets you made are delicious, my love," Rog said, sipping a beer.

"Thank you, my love." I smile at him.

It is time to throw the bouquet and all single women present came to catch the bouquet, including me, but who also wanted to catch the bouquet was Freddie.

"Freddie, what are you doing here?" - Said laughing looking at him.

"I came to get the bouquet, dear Mandy," Freddie said, laughing and I smile, rolling my eyes.

Veronica threw the bouquet and who took it was me and everyone applauded. Freddie protested,

"I should have the bouquet to marry Mary."

Our friends just laughed. Rog hugged me said:

"Will the next ones to be married will be us, my love?"

"Who knows?" I smile.

"Then I'll ask you to marry me now," Rog said, smiling, ready to kneel, but I pulled him.

"Rog, my love, do not do it, not now, we're still too young and we're dating, it's been a while since it's been a few years," he said, smiling.

"Okay, I will not ask you to marry me now, but, if Mandy is preparing, that in the not-so-distant future, you will have no escape." He smiled at me, wrapping me around the waist, kissing my lips.

To be continued.

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