Chapter 36 - September 1974

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Amanda's POV

Friday, September 13, 1974

Royal Cafe, London

Ten o'clock pm. At that time, Queen is receiving silver records, for the first hundred thousand copies of the Queen II album. Freddie, Bri, Rog and John each received the silver record, along with the band's manager. Cynthia and Mick Rock took the photos of the event and I made some notes because I'm going to publish an article in NME magazine and I'll still interview the boys after the event.

Rog and I started dating officially on August 3rd. Rog and I have been dating for over a month and just our friends, Rog's mother, his stepfather Trevor Clare, Alex me u father and my mother Elis know. At work, for example, for anyone to know that I'm dating, I always take my engagement ring, because I do not want Olivia and Mike to know, because if they see me with an engagement ring, they'll investigate and do everything to find out who I am. dating.

After Rog and I started dating, Bri went awry at Trident Studios, while recording the album with the boys and returned to be hospitalized on August fifteenth. He had a duodenal ulcer and had urgent surgery and was hospitalized for three more weeks. After Bri returned to the hospital, Freddie always visited him every day and my friend gave an interview to me saying,

"Brian has to take care of his health. It will never happen to any of us at Queen '' again.

While Bri was again hospitalized, the boys continued recording the album and Freddie wrote a song called Killer Queen and they started recording and it took about a month to get ready.They finished and when Bree left the hospital on the fifth of this month, the ninth day, on Monday, he returned to Trident Studios, to continue recording the album and put the part of the guitar solo on Killer Queen and record during that month the Songs he wrote while he was in the hospital. They have to finish recording by the end of this month and then make photos for the release of the album and prepare for the tour.

I was proud of the boys, for having won the silver record for the hundred thousand copies of Queen II. Rog, my beautiful boyfriend is happy. They are finally starting to make success slowly.In England they are already well known and are now conquering fans in Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland.

After the awards night, some journalists went to ask for interviews and they kept giving interviews. Cyntia would take many pictures and I would sit them down. I looked at my engagement ring I got from Rog and I smiled. The ring is silver and so beautiful. Inside the ring is written: Mandy, love of my life, eternal love.

After they gave entr evistas to several journalists, they came to me smiling and I interviewed. Roger smiled the whole time at me, looking at my black dress that would fall and my body. I wanted to kiss him right there, but we agreed that we will not do that for now so as not to draw the attention of the press. I interviewed them for almost twenty minutes and as they responded I wrote them down in the notebook and then I will type the interview and get it ready on Monday for the magazine to be placed on the next weekly issue.

Then we all left and went to dinner at my apartment. I had made a special dinner for the boys when I got home after a day at work in the magazine. They were also present, Mary, Veronica and Clare.

In the apartment we toast to the success of the boys and we take photos, that Cíntia will reveal later. We dined happily and also enjoyed Rog and I had a long weekend.

"At the time of the awards, I wanted to shout to the world that you are my beautiful girlfriend," Rog said, kissing me on the lips. "You look very sexy in this shot you fall black, my beautiful redhead.

- And you as always beautiful my love, my beautiful blondie - said to Rog kissing him on the lips in love.

We had a nice evening with the guys and they stayed in the apartment until two in the morning.

Saturday and Sunday, I was with Rog and he slept in the apartment, in the guest room. I'm still not ready to give myself to him and I asked for time for my boyfriend and he said he understands, because I'm a virgin and that he'll give me all the time I need. We stayed the weekend watching movies, he played guitar for me and singing, dating, making love swear.

Soon came the third week of September and my article on the Queen's award was published in the magazine New Musical Express and with that the month of September was passing quickly.

On the thirtieth day of September, Monday, my head honcho Olivia Stuks called me into her room and I entered.

"Well, Olivia, what do you want?" I asked formally.

- You have gained more and more fans with your stories, readers of New Musical Express have praised your stories, have you noticed? - She handed me a copy of the magazine in which there is a part in which the readers give their opinion on what is published in the magazine and really I see that people have been praising my stories and even the Rock and Roll bands have Praised me like Pink Floyd, Rolling Stones, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, even David Bowie has praised. I have become very well known and of course, Queen also praises me.

- I'm happy, flattered that my work as a journalist is being recognized not only among the Rock bands, but also among the readers, I'm happy, it's a good sign for the magazine to sell even more - Said.

"It sure is," said Olivia, smiling at me mysteriously. "But to keep your job here and keep other things, it's time you did a new job."

"I refuse to do your dirty work, Olivia. I can not take it anymore, I'm tired of it all "she said irritably to the face.

"If you do not do what I want, I open your mouth to the music press today and tell you whose daughter you are." Would her friends from Queen have forgiven her for so long lied about her identity and her father? I do not think they would forgive. "She smiled at me victoriously.

I sigh defeated.

- What do you want me to do? - I asked.

Olivia said all she had to do. Olivia had me in my hands. She knows that I am the daughter of Alex Bristley, one of the directors of EMI Music. She knew because she put a photographer to follow me, and he managed to take some pictures of me leaving the mansion of my father, but my connection with the last name. She discovered this a few months ago, and she showed me the large black folder she carried, which contained all the photos. Since then, I do everything she asks. I already thought of myself revealing the press my identity, to end the blackmail, but, I'm afraid of not being forgiven by the boys of Queen and especially not be forgiven by Roger. For sure, they would feel betrayed because as I am the daughter of one of the directors of EMI Music, I could very well help them. They would never forgive me.

I arrive at the apartment and start crying not knowing what to do.

To be continued.

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