Chapter 29 - May 1974

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Roger's POV

Monday, May 20, 1974

Everyone is in the hospital, to visit Bri, including Amanda. I do not want to talk to the redhead about anything else. Just talking about her, I get angry. How dare she send the photos and letter to Emily? She wanted revenge, but it did not work, because Emily forgave me and we're dating now, even without loving her. I want to see if I really fall in love with Emily. While Brian is in the hospital on hepatitis treatment, Trident Studios told Deacy, Freddie and I to write new songs for a new album to be recorded soon and that's what we're doing. We started writing new songs and Bri even in the hospital also said he would write lyrics.

Emily and I are waiting for our turn to go into Bri's room to visit him. The door opens and from inside out Emily visibly moved, crying. What happened? I heard she apologized to Deacy and Freddie for the ridiculous posts of their fellow NME journalists. Did Bri not accept the excuses? I'm not going to forgive her anyway, I suppose she's involved with all this.

Amanda's POV

She was in the room, visiting Bri alone, for Cynthia had visited him before. I cried for forgiveness to my friend, saying that I was not to blame for the reports about Queen in the NME, because it was other journalists. I said that I knew they would publish, but that I was not complicit in any moment or that I was in favor of it all. Brian understood and forgave me, as did Freddie and John. As for Roger, he does not want to see me painted gold. I explained everything to Brian.

"I know I acted wrong Bri, sending the pictures and letters to Emily and spoiling Roger's relationship with her," she said in annoyance. "But I do not like Emily. Roger and I were getting a good friendship when that fucking photographic model arrived. I do not like her, I do not trust her. It is intuition of journalist.

"I do not like Emily either, I must confess Mandy," Brian said with a sigh. "But Roger insists on dating her, even if he does not love her.

"Bri, you still have not told me the reason Rog and you quarreled in the dressing room during the UK tour, why did he throw the hair-fixing spray on his face? Bri, please, tell me. "She said sadly. - We're just here.

- Mandy, I'd like to tell you, I'm sorry, but I can not, I promised Roger that I would not tell anyone - Brian said upset - The only thing I can say to you right now is that the blonde is very hurt with you .

"But why is he so hurt to me?" I do not think it's just because I sent him the pictures of the naked women and the letter to Emily. I think it's more than that, "she said thoughtfully.

"It's more than that, Mandy," Bri said, looking at me. "I should not say that, but I can not stand seeing Roger suffering and you too. It all started with the release of Queen's second album on March 8. I went to call Rog to give you the interview, and as we approached we heard everything you said to Freddie. Roger listened and did not like it. He was very hurt, his pride wounded, Mandy. As much as you were friends back then, he did not expect to hear that from you.

"But just because I told Freddie that Roger was not my type, that though he was a fucking womanizer, that I would never kiss Roger's lips, that I would feel shivers or be his girlfriend? If I said that, it was because I saw Roger as a friend, what the hell, did not he understand that? - He said with tears in his eyes - He also hurt me the way he spoke of me, as if I were ugly, like a monster.

"You're too complicated, Mandy. The two, damn it, were supposed to be friends now. - Brian said and tears fall from my eyes. "I'll tell him about it, Mandy, that you took offense, too." You need to understand each other as soon as possible.

I kissed Bri's forehead and thanked the support of my guitarist friend.

"Get well soon and get out of this hospital and come back to us," he said, smiling through tears.

I take my bag and leave the room visibly moved and crying and I pass by Roger and Emily without saying anything.

Roger's POV

I walk into the room with Emily and visit Bri and talk to him a little. I comment with my friend that Freddie, Deacy and I are writing new songs and that he has to focus on getting well soon.When the visit was about to end, Bri said:

"Rog, can we talk quickly, alone?"

Emily got the message and left Bri's room.

"What happened, brother?" What's going on? I asked.

Brian said the conversation he had with Mandy and I was paying attention to every detail.

"You know I do not like Emily, I've made that clear," Brian said to me.

"Neither you, nor Deacy, nor Freddie." I smile bitterly. "Emily forgives my slips, because she loves me, but I can not love her."

"So you're not going on this date, Roger," Brian said, looking at me.

"Bri, you know damn well why I did it," he said in annoyance. "Damn, you know.

"I know, but you're not acting right, dammit. And you're evading Emily more and more, and as much as I do not like the blonde, she does not deserve to be fooled by you, does not she.You've been cheated twice in love and you know how pain is. Do not do this to Emily, she does not deserve it.

I close my eyes and get up and punch the room wall hard.

"Careful not to hurt your hand, Rog and hurt your heart," Bri said, looking at me. "Rog, think carefully of what you're going to do from now on." Do not complicate matters, my brother. Mandy is hurt too, man. You two are stubborn, proud, strong personality, two asses, that's the truth. Make peace with Mandy, befriend the redhead again. There was a big misunderstanding between the two and I think it's time to reverse it all and think about Emily too, she does not deserve to suffer anymore. He ends his relationship with her.

- Bri, my brother, I promise I'll think what I'll do, okay? But, I promise nothing. But, I'll think about it. I said thoughtfully and hugged my friend carefully.

"You make the right decision, so you will not regret it later and make things worse," Bri said.

I smiled weakly, really thinking what to do.

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