Chapter 31 - June's Party / June 1974

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Amanda's POV

Roger accidentally stepped on my foot and knocked me over. He looked at me in a different way. He ran his hand through my red hair. I looked deep into Rog's blue eyes and I ran a hand through his blond hair as well. I looked at his beautiful boyish face. He smiled at me and kissed my face and I smelled her delicious scent, mixed with the cigarette and hugged him tightly. Then he kissed me on the forehead and on my nose and smiled at me.

"Come, I'll help you get up," he said, smiling and he pulled me slowly and we stood and he hugged me again.

"I do not want to let you go, redhead," he said, smiling.

"My brother and my friend, let's dance, we'll do the gang dance now. "Let's dance," Clare said cheerfully, and she smiled. "I hope you're not disturbing anything.

"You do not disturb Clare," she said, smiling at her. "Let's all dance now.

Clare smiled and pulled my arm and I pulled Roger's arm and the blonde smiled beautifully.

"Clare, my sister, take it easy," said Roger smiling.

All they danced and I made par with Les, a friend of Roger and Roger dancing with Clare, but in the middle of the dance, he pulled me and smiled and Les was dancing with Clare.

"Crazy, Les was dancing with me," he said, laughing at him.

"But I want to dance with you, little redhead," Roger said, hugging me and tickling me a little.

"Rog, stop," he said, laughing, and our friends watched us.

- I will not stop cute redhead, I will even tickle - Roger said laughing and we finished dancing and at the end of the dance I ran after Roger and tickled him.

The party was very cheerful and I went to the kitchen to make some popcorn. I put the popcorn in the pan and Roger hugged me around the waist and I got scared.

"Rog, you want to freak me out?" I said to him, laughing.

"Am I ugly by any chance?" He looked at me.

"You're not ugly, Rog, you're beautiful," I told him. "But I was entertained.

"You're beautiful, beautiful," Rog said kissing my face and then opened the refrigerator and took a can of beer and Fairy Cake and began to eat.

"Your Fairy Cake is the best in the world," said Rog smilingly. "My favorite dessert you're preparing heavenly.

"Thank you, Rog," he said, smiling, popping popcorn. "But if your mother and sister hear that, they'll be jealous."

"They already know," he said, smiling at me for beer. - You cook very well.

"Thank you Rog, I'm flattered," he said, smiling.

- Mandy, soon I'll be on vacation d the Master and you also can mark any day we left, just us two? - Rog said looked at me.

I looked at him in surprise. Rog is calling me to go out with him, just the two of us? I never thought that would happen.

"And where are you going to take me?" I asked smiling.

He smiled at me and said,

"It's summer, we can take the road and go to Brighton for a weekend, we go out for dinner. He grinned at me.

I was silent, smiling and I was finishing the popcorn.

"So you want to go out with me any day?" He asked me looking at me intently.

I finished preparing the popcorn and put it in a bowl and took it to the living room. But first I approached Rog and smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek.

"Of course I accept, I'll love to walk you." He smiled at him and Rog smiled back beautifully.

- I'm going to book a weekend and we'll walk, okay? He smiled at me and kissed the corner of my lips and we returned to the living room.

My heart is racing a lot. I felt something different for Rog, I can not explain. But, I also realized that he is looking at me in a different way.

The rest of the party was really cool.

Roger's POV

Sunday, June 30, 1974.

Four pm.

I'm at King's College Hospital, visiting Bri. He is much better. Soon, he will leave the hospital. He asked about yesterday's June party at Cynthia and Mandy's apartment and I told him everything that happened and he smiled.

"Rog, my brother, when will you speak to Mandy about what you feel?" - He asked.

"The day we go out together," she said, smiling. "Bri, I realize she's seeing me in a different way, I hope she feels the same way I do.

"Surely she'll feel it, if she's not feeling it already," Bri said, smiling.

"I never thought I'd feel it Bri, just for Mandy, that at the beginning was my dislike, that we hated each other," I said thoughtfully.

"Hatred and love go hand in hand, my brother," Bri smiled. "It's a good thing you're friends now, and it may soon be something else, it will all depend on it."

"I'll do my best to win Mandy, my brother," he said to Bri. "All the women I've gotten involved with have never really loved one, but with Mandy it's different. I'm going to win Mandy, because I'm in love with her, I love Mandy.

Bri smiled at me and said,

"I never thought I would hear this from my best friend and brother. That you're in love with Mandy, really, that you love her.

"For you to see my brother that everything can change. Mandy maddened me with hatred, anger, today, she drives me mad with her beauty, intelligence, delicacy, friendship, even her faults that are not easy I'm getting used to. I'm crazy about love for her, Bri, "he said sincerely, and my friend smiled, pushing me hard.

"Fight for her, Rog. Do not give up, "Bri said.

"I will not give up on Mandy, I will not give up on the beautiful redhead," he said, smiling passionately at the thought of her. "I feel she feels the same as I do.

Nor do I know myself, but I confess that Mandy has conquered my heart, little by little, and now my heart belongs to her.

To be continued.

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