Not an update: Just Information

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Hi guys! I know this isn't a chapter and sorry it isn't buuuut this is some information on Hans' family :) I figured that they're coming up in the next few chapters I'll be updating with so I'd give you some "background" knowledge on them :) I apologize for being stupid in them... I originally made this for myself then decided to post it up so whenever I make notes to myself I try to make myself smile... Oh, and if you don't want to read about Hans family please scroll to the bottom of this to see a few things about Heated Ice as a story. Thanks :3

Anyways, here's his family.

••Hans' Family••

Hans- 26 - Youngest

Alan- 27 - Asshole (No wife, no children, probably never because he's a dick and a creep)

Jasper- 28 (twin to Desmond, engaged to a younger woman, she's probably 19 or 20, no children yet) (He likes Elsa, not like-like)

Desmond- 28 (Twin to Jasper) (Bumped into Elsa when she was crying after the Laila kiss) (No wife, one child [boy] from when he was previously married but she passed away from a plague, not looking for anyone/marriage) (nice to Hans & Elsa, ships Helsa)

Kiran (pronouncement: keer-in, kinda like Kira from the rugrats in Paris movie but with an 'n' at the end)-- 29 (One of the three pricks who ignored Hans, literally, for two years, meanie pants) (Has a wife, two children [both girls]) very much like Alan, Alan takes after him.

Noah- 31 (Has a wife and child, boy) (Nice to Elsa and treats Hans like a friend)

Lucas- 32 (twin to Peter) (Has a wife and four children, three girls, one boy) he's indifferent with Hans, not mean but not exactly nice, brotherly love.

Peter- 32 (twin to Lucas) (Had a wife, died during childbirth and their child) (He's quiet and refuses to get close to anyone because he doesn't want to lose them like his wife :/)

Daniel- 33 (One of the three who ignored Hans, literally, for two years, doucher material) (Asshole, bitchy/stuck up wife, no children, wife unable to)

Evan- 35 (Has a wife who's younger than him, has two children, all boys)

Stefano (Stef-uh-no)-- 36 (Has a wife, three children, two boys, one girl)

Charles- 37 - (One of the three who ignored Hans, literally, for two years) (No children, no wife, doesn't deserve them... Dick weed.)

Leo- 39 - Oldest (Has a wife, two children, both boys) One of the few nice brothers of Hans. He also will approve of him with Elsa.

••Hans' Parents••

Susan- Mother - 57

Henry- Father - 64

They had a forced marriage when she was 18 but eventually fell in love and had a bunch of babies and lots and lots of sex but couldn't even take care of their youngest and cutest son, Hans. :'(

••Brothers nice to Hans••




Lucas (He's indifferent with Hans so I put him in this category)


••Brothers who are 'ass wipes'••








Info about Heated Ice:

**** I wanted to say that I might just stop naming chapters and just title them with whatever chapter number it is. I also have thought about if I want to update on a certain day at a certain time and it's a no, it's not that I don't want to, I'd like some stability with this story.. But I don't have time some weeks to update when I would plan and I don't want to disappoint anyone at all :/ but who knows? I might make it a certain day. *shrugs* I'm sorry I'm so indecisive...

I'm also deciding to for sure update this coming Monday with a few chapters and they might be longer than normal but that doesn't mean I won't post a few at a time, I'll always do that.. That's why it's taking me a bit to update because they're longer chapters.... Anyways, thanks for reading my story ^^ ****

Nevermind, updating today :) but the chapters will be longer than normal and without titles.

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