"Because you love me?"

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[Age 13+14] 

Mike and Eleven were cuddling on the couch as it stormed outside. Eleven had insisted on watching some cheesy old romantic movie, and Mike, not wanting to say no to his adorable little girlfriend, agreed. He played with Eleven's hair to keep himself busy while she watched the movie.

The over-dramatic female lead walked onto the frame and to her love interest. "You!" she shouted at the man. "You used me for sex!" the woman slapped the man and walked away. Eleven's eyebrows knotted.

"Mike?" she asked, looking up at him.
"Hmmm?" he replied, smiling down at his girlfriend.

"What is..." she pointed at the screen. "Sex?" Mike blushed wildily and his palms got sweaty. "Mike?" she asked again, noticing the change.

"Ummmm..." he chewed on his bottom lip. "When two people love each other a lot-" he was interrupted by his big eyes girlfriend.

"Like us?" she questioned.

"Yes El, like us. Except you need to be like, 16 I'm guessing? Anyways, they like kiss but more..." Mike looked like a firetruck by now.

"Mike," Eleven warned. "Friends don't lie. Neither do boyfriends." Mike took a deep breath.

"Alright alright. They like kiss and get naked..." Mike made a face and Eleven's eyebrows knotted again.

"No clothes?" She asked, and Mike nodded.

"Then..." he chewed his lower lip and debated telling his innocent girlfriend. "Boys like, go inside girls?" He finished, avoiding her eyes. Eleven was very disturbed and confused. 

"How?" El asked and Mike put his head in his hands.

"I'm gonna let Nance tell you that part cause this is something I hope we're gonna do in the future." Mike turned his head to look at his girlfriend after he said the last part. 

"Because you love me?" she asked, putting her head on his chest after Mike laid back down.

"Because I love you Eleven Jane Hopper." he replied, twirling his finger around a brown curl.


A/N: Comment for a part 2!

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