"Cause I like you"

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hai i want my basketball game to be cancelled and my teacher is raging at my class s.o.s.

edit: we lost the game and my friend almost got detention

also this is for fangurrrrlll



Mike's P.O.V.

I watched El play with Holly and her toys. She was trying to entertain Holly by making funny voices for each one of the dolls. I laid my head back and kept my eyes on her, until Holly yawned.

"Mike...I'm gonna go nap." She yawned again and crawled up the stairs.

"Awwww I wanted to play with Holl!" El whined and crawled into my arms. I laughed and snuggled up with her.

"Want me to put on a movie? We can watch-" I asked, but then got cut off by El.

"Star Wars!" She shouted happily.

"Yes, we can watch Star Wars." I chuckled and grabbed a blanket for us. El stole all of it as I put the movie in. "Oh no no no." I laughed and tried to pull the blanket back to no avail. "El!" I laughed and did the only thing I could think of; I started tickling her.

"Mike!" She screamed with laughter and tried to get away. I pulled her closer and stuck my tongue out at her. She finally got away from me and hid behind a pillow.

"I can see you El." I rolled my eyes and laid down. She slowly moved over to me, eyeing my every move. I suddenly wrapped my arms around her and pulled her as close as I could. Her face was pressed against my chest and her brown curls against my chin. 

"Mike..." She whispered as I looked down.

"Yes love?" I asked, getting lost in her beautiful eyes. She poked me.

"You're a n...ne...nerd." She giggled. I fake gasped.

"I am not!" I gasped and put a hand on my head. "Who taught you that word?!"

"Max," El giggled. It sounded heavenly. "She called you a nerd." I rolled my eyes and scoffed. 

"C'mere." I laughed and kissed her head. "You know, by hanging out with me it makes you a nerd too?"

"Then I like being a nerd. Cause I like you. A lot." She sat up and kissed me gently. I kissed back and put a hand on her rosy cheek. She pulled away. "Def-definently like being a nerd."

"Do you? Well...you need to learn how to play D&D then. Most nerdy thing you can do." I stood up and sat down. She followed me, the blanket still around her thin shoulders. She sat down next to me on the chair, almost falling off. "Here." I said and put her between my legs. "Better?" I asked. She nodded, her fluffy hair hitting my face.

"What...can I play as?" She asked, leaning over the manual.

"Well I picture you as a princess, but they don't have those in this game. What about an elf? Cause I found you in the woods and it's close to El." I replied. El nodded. 

"Good. Now, teach me!" She shouted happily. I wrapped my arms around her waist and began to teach her the rules that I once taught everyone else. She truly was becoming a part of our lives.


im clueless and i have 99% chance of a snow day tommorow can i get a hoy yah 

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