"Is it time?"

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Mike's P.O.V.

El was jumping up and down as we waited in line to board the plane. It was the first week of summer vacation and the Wheeler's/Hopper-Byer's agreed to take the boys and the two girls to Disney World. El loved everything Disney, so she was so excited.

"Mike!" She squealed. "Is it time?!" I laughed and wrapped my arms around her shoulders.

"Almost love." The flight attendant looked up.

"Boarding!" She called and Eleven pushed through the crowd.

"I'm here! I'm here!" She giggled and I followed her.

"Excited much El?" I asked and she just smiled and gave her ticket to the lady. I took El's hand and I gave the lady my ticket too.

"Go ahead kids." El pulled me down the ramp and guided me to our seats.

"Mike are we gonna see Mickey? Oh! I want to see Snow White too! And Cinderella!" She took out her Cinderella picture book that was in her carry on. Man, I was happy that she was excited to go.

"We can try El. But let me warn you, planes may be scary. But I'll be right here love." I squeezed her hand. The plane started to move and El began to shake.

"No no I'm done now we can go." She tried to stand up but I held her hand tightly.

"You have to calm down El." I pulled her down close to me and I kissed her temple. She seemed to relax.

"Like that lovey." I ran my thumb over her hand. She leaned on me and yawned. "I'll wake you up when we get there." She nodded.

"Night night Mike." She dozed off as I held her close. I eventually fell asleep too, listening to her quiet snoring.


Over the loudspeaker the captain announced that we were close to landing. That woke me up, and I squeezed my girlfriend.

"El wake up." I whispered to her. Her eyes fluttered open.

"Are we," she yawned. "There yet?" I kissed her head.

"No love. But look! You can see Disney!" I pointed across her and out the window. She pressed her nose against the window.

"I see it Mike!" El squealed and giggled. I laughed at her excitement. The plane slowly landed. We were finally in Orlando.

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