"Just thinking"

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highkey want to fight a bitch bc david harbour our lord and savior didnt win a golden globe

can someone also make me a cover i hate mine now and ugh ill love you forever


El was laying on Mike's couch, flipping through a magazine. She couldn't really read a lot of the words, she just liked looking at the pretty dresses. (such as millie and sadies from the golden globes)

"MIKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!" El screamed. Mike ran into the living room in sheer panic.

"WHAT?! ARE YOU OKAY?!" Mike said, picking up his tiny girlfriend and looking her over. El giggled.

"I'm fine! I just need some Eggos to stuff my face with and I was too lazy to get up!" El busted out laughing. Mike glared at her and dropped her back on the couch.

"Not funny Eleven. I thought you got hurt!" Mike crossed his arms. El looked at his face and cooed, kneeling on the couch so that they were level.

"Mikey, I'm sorry." She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck, lips hovering near his. "Can you forgive me Mike? I am your girlfriend and I love you a lot..." She whispered. Mike blushed and turned his head to the side.

"I-uh-um..." He stuttered. El giggled and gave him a peck on the lips. 

"You're pretty Mike." She giggled, pinching his cheeks. "And pink. My favorite color." El got up and ran into the kitchen. Mike flopped down on the couch and sighed, picking up the magazine El was reading. He flipped through, seeing all the pretty gowns. El had circled one, a white one, and next to the picture in her neat handwriting, was two words that made Mike's day so much better.

El jogged back over to Mike's living room and sat next to him on the couch after her Eggos were finished cooking in the toaster. Mike was staring into space, a happy smile on his pink lips.

"Mike?" El asked, nudging him with her shoulder. Mike shook his head uand looked over at his girlfriend, who's eyebrows were pushed together in confusion and worry. "You okay?"

"Hmm-oh, yeah, I'm good El. I was just thinking." He smiled at his girlfriend. El smiled back and put her plate of Eggos down on the table.

"Oh yeah? What are you thinking about?" El giggled, poking her cute boyfriend.

"How you said you liked a white dress in this magazine and you wanted to marry me in it?" Mike smirked and held up the magazine El had wrote in. El blushed and tried to get the magazine from Mike's hand. Mike laughed and got up, running around the house to try to shake El off his tail.

"MIKE!!! I WILL TELL YOUR MAMA!!" El screamed as she tried to get the magazine back. She sighed and got tired of running, so she used her powers to pull the magazine out of his hand and into her hers.

"Hey!" Mike shouted as he pouted. "No fair!" El just giggled and stuck her tongue out. Mike sighed in defeat and crashed back onto the couch. El crawled on top of him after she put in Star Wars. She laid her head on his chest and let out a tired yawn. Mike ran his fingers through his tiny girlfriend's hair, smiling down at her. It began to snow lightly, making it a perfect ending to their perfect day.


the ending was shitty i apologize

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