"Proper grammar" 2

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hey guys, i just want you to know, i will update this book every other day, and the days i dont update i will update my other book! love you all  ;)


author: at this point of our story, mike and el have been texting for quite some time. they knew everything about one another, including where they live and where they go to school. the only thing that el didnt have, was a phone number.

elsthename: mike

  elsthename: mike  

elsthename: mike 

elsthename: mike 

elsthename: mike 

wheely: what?????

elsthename: hi.

wheely: god, youre annoying

Mike never called her annoying, so El was quite taken back by this comment.

elsthename: mike are you okay?

wheely: no, im not! my best friend will is missing!

elsthename: mike, im so sorry

elsthename: mike is there anything i can do?

read by wheely at 4:48  

elsthename: mike? are you there?

Mike threw his phone across the room. It hit the wall and shattered. Mike started sobbing into his hands.


elsthename: are you dustin?

holderofthepudding: whos asking?

elsthename: i'm el, a friend of mikes. i saw that you live in hawkins, and i need a favor.

holderofthepudding: how do you know your not lying?

elsthename: michael wheeler age 15 male favorite color is blue in hawkins av club all girls think hes gross, has a passion for making blanket forts, has two sisters

elsthename: you want me to go on???

  holderofthepudding: no no i believe you

holderofthepudding: what do you need?

elsthename: mikes phone number

elsthename: i heard about will and he isnt picking up my texts

 holderofthepudding: oh shit

holderofthepudding: (xxx) xxx-xxxx

elsthename: thanks


Mike's phone began to ring from the floor where it laid. Mike just glared at it and slowly walked over. It was a unfamiliar number, and he put it to his ear. 

"Hello?" He asked.

"Mike," El breathed. Mike's mouth dropped.

"El?! How'd you get this number?" He asked shakily.

"I found Dustin and he gave it to me. Mike are you okay? You don't sound great." 

"I'm fine El."

"Well...how'd you like some cheering up? We can play a little D&D?"

"El, you live two hours away. How would that be possible?" Mike sighed. El giggled.

"Look out your window." Mike looked out his window to see a waving El standing in the pouring rain. His online crush, outside his window. Mike dropped his phone and ran out his door to pull her into a giant hug.

"El! You're here!" Mike cried. El smiled and hugged him back.

"I figured I could help you look for Will and stuff..." El smiled and looked at him. He was so much prettier in real life.

Mike looked at El. He studied her face, her eyes, her eyebrows, her short hair. She looked so different from the pictures. Not a bad different. She looked even more gorgeous in real life. He pulled away from the hug. 

"Let's get you inside, you must be so wet and cold." He grabbed her hand and led her to his bathroom. "Go ahead..." He pointed to the door and El walked in.

"My Hop's letting me stay in a hotel so I'll just go back there..."

"Nope. You can stay in my basement, my mom's oblivious." Mike smiled.

"Thanks Mike." El smiled and shut the bathroom door.

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