"The name's Kali"

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im watching 'it' again on my computer and i fastforwarded bc im going to bed soon and i dont want to have nightmares AND I FREAKING FAST FORWARD TO PENNYWISE ALMOST KILLING EDDIE AND I SCREAMED

oh and theyre like older in this one


"MIKEEEEEEEEEEEE!!" El screamed as she flung herself at her boyfriend, who was walking out of his last class of the week. He caught her hug and laughed.

"Wow, you've either eaten sixteen Eggos, are on your period and lovey-dovey, or, you have a good idea." Mike laughed, kissing his girlfriend's nose, only for her to scrunch it up.

"I've got a great idea but you've made me mad so I'm gonna ignore you." El stuck her tongue out and turned around. She wasn't actually mad, she just wanted Mike's attention. He rolled his eyes, knowing her actions way too well. He grabbed her arm and spun her around, causing her to come very close to his face.

"Tell me Eleven." He whispered. El tried to hold her tough girl act, but she couldn't. Mike had that effect on her, she was like putty in his hands.

"I thought we could go on a road trip this weekend, just you and I. T-To Chicago..." El blushed and turned her head away. Mike let her arm go and grabbed her hand.

"That's a great idea babe. I'll pack my bag and pick you up after you pack yours. Got it?" Mike asked. El nodded and kissed his cheek.

"I'll see you in a bit!" She shouted back at him as she skipped through the halls. Mike shook his head at his adorable little bean of a girlfriend.


"Mike! Go back, I like that song!" El whined, trying to slap his hand away from the dial.

"That song was crap El! Who even likes New Kids on the Block?! They all sound like girls!" He argued back. El pouted but wasn't actually mad.

"You're just jealous that I think they're cute." She giggled. Mike rolled his eyes.

"Whatever..." He smirked as he drove down the busy highway and past a sign that read 'Welcome to Illinois!'


Mike raised his eyebrow as El guided them down the shady streets of Chicago.

"Babe, you know I love you, but what the hell are we doing in the bad parts of a city we don't know?!" Mike demanded, as he was pulled along by his tiny girlfriend who stood out from the people glaring at them. She had a baby pink dress on, white knee high socks, and sparkly sliver sneakers.

"You sound like Hopper." El muttered as she pulled them into an alley that led to an abandoned building. Mike didn't hear.

"Babe do you have a drug problem we need to talk about?!" He asked again. El put a finger to his lips and motioned for him to stay still. She slowly walked into the center part of the building, where Funshine was sitting, sharpening his knife. El made the knife fly out of his hands and into hers. Funshine looked up, to see El standing there waving.

"Miss Jane!" He smiled and gave her a hug. Mike gulped and stepped into the light.

"Um, dude, let her go." He said, trying to sound like he wasn't crapping his pants, but he was. Funshine cracked his knuckles. 

"This guy giving you a problem, Miss Jane?" Funshine asked, glaring at Mike as he took a step towards them. El shook her head and stood in front of the cowering teen.

"No! No, he's my boyfriend." El nodded, grabbing Mike's hand and giving it a squeeze.

"Shirley Temple's got a boyfriend?" Axel asked, his arm around Dotty.

"Oooh! He's cute!" Dotty squealed. Mick just stared at them.

"Jane, you need to leave." Mick said, pointing at the door. El shook her head.

"No. I need to see my sister." She growled.


"Mike, please honey just be quiet! You sound like Dustin!" El pleaded.

"Who are you?" A familiar voice asked Mike, who was the only one facing the stairs. El turned around, only to sigh in relief. The girl on the step's eyes became larger, looking at El.

"Y-You came back.." She said in disbelief. El nodded and grabbed Mike's hand.

"This is the friend, well one of them, who I saved." El motioned to Mike. Mike stuck out his free hand.

"Mike." He smiled. The girl looked at him weirdly.

"The name's Kali. Or Eight." She shrugged, then smiled at his response. Mike's jaw dropped, then he began jumping up and down like a child.

"EIGHT! EIGHT SHES EIGHT THERES ANOTHER LIVING EXPERIMENT!" He shouted happily. El giggled and nodded. He fist pumped the air and kissed El's cheek. Kali's eyes became big again.

"Oh, so he's more than a friend?" She asked, making the couple blush.

"Not back then. Now, yeah he's my boyfriend." El smiled. Mike rolled his eyes.

"You're sappy." He chuckled and nudged her. El rolled her eyes and focused back on her sister.

"Show him, please. He needs proof." She motioned to Kali's sleeve. Kali pulled her sleeve back and showed Mike her number. 008. Mike smiled at the sisters and kissed El's temple.

"So? Do you have the same powers as my El?" He asked, and Kali cocked her head.

"What?" She looked taken back. Mike blushed, just then realizing that no one here used his nickname for Eleven.

"El, short for Eleven. I used it when I found her in the woods, haven't stopped." He explained, wrapping his arm around her.

"Oh, okay. Anyway, no I don't. I can trick your mind into seeing stuff that isn't there. See that rose in Jan-El's hair? That's not real, but your brain thinks it is." She explained, wiping the blood off of her lip. I nodded in understanding. "Well, do you want to stay for dinner? We're ordering takeout!"


this was eh it sounded better in my head

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