"Don't cry"

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I WAS FREAKING DONE WITH THIS CHAPTER AND MY SMART SELF DELETED IT UGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and thanks for almost 900 reads i was in tears  but im listening to panci! at the disco


It was a crisp winter day in Hawkins Indiana. Mike and Eleven were walking the streets of Hawkins hand in hand looking in the windows for presents. Dustin wanted a bell, Lucas wanted a Star Wars poster, Max wanted decals for her skateboard, and Will wanted a girlfriend and more film for his camera.

Mike's P.O.V.

El was looking at the snow falling softly onto her palm. At first, she was scared, cowering to me, but then I told her what it was and now she loves it. She even threw a snowball at me. El looked up at me from under her lashes and I blushed. She saw a man walking his dog and she ran over, petting it. I chuckled.

"Eleven! We need to actually do something productive!" I called and she walked back over, pouting.

"But Mike! Doggie!" I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the bike store. 

"Help me find a bell Dustin would like." She walked behind me, before finding one that was navy blue. She dinged it and she giggled. I thought her giggle was adorable. I paid for the bell and walked outside with her. "This is from both of us. Help me find some stickers that Max would like." 

"Ok Mike!" She nodded and suddenly, took off across the street into incoming traffic.

"El!" I screamed, running after her. I shoved her out of the way as a car swerved, hitting my left leg. I screamed and crumpled onto the ground.

"Mike!" Eleven fell to her knees beside me as my vision began to blur. "Mike!" She sobbed before everything went black.


Dr. Brenner walked over El as I struggled against the chains that kept me tied on the chair. 

"You're a failure Eleven. You aren't a person. You don't deserve Mike's love. You have a wound, and only I can fix it." Brenner growled as El started to cry. Brenner raised his gun.

"No! No!" I screamed, trying to save her.

"Come back to me Eleven. Or die." Brenner said as El raised her chin. 

"Die." The gunshot rang off the concrete walls.


I sat up quickly, a shooting pain running through my left side. I whimpered and grabbed my leg. El ran over from her chair, followed by Nancy and my mom.

"Mike!" She cried and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back, happy that she wasn't hurt. I realized that I was in the hospital and I pulled away.

"M-mom?" I whispered and slowly peeled my covers away, showing a temperary cast on my left leg.

"Sweetie, you got hit by a car and broke your leg in three different spots. You'll need a real cast, the doctor wanted something to stabilize it while you were knocked out. How about you rest?" I nodded and Eleven crawled into the hospital bed next to me. "Me and Nance are going home cause it's late. We'll be back at 9 am. Sleep well you two." My mom shut the door.

"Mike I'm so sorry. I was stupid of me to run across the street." She cried into my shoulder. My heart broke.

"No no don't cry El. You just didn't know. Now you know that you don't cross when traffic's coming. I'll be okay." I kissed her head and closed my eyes. "Sleep well El. I love you." I dozed off as soon as I heard her quiet snoring.


anyone have a link for the stranger things kids lip sync battle thats not on spike?

im also having a cover contest so dm me covers and the best one will get a shoutout

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