"You're my Romeo"

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hi! this is a request from @kkbugwalling the tagging thing isnt work idk


"YOU CANT DATE ELEVEN! YOURE TOO YOUNG!!" Hopper screamed at El. She was past curfew on a Friday night, and she had confessed that she was on a date with Mike.

 "YOURE JUST LIKE PAPA! LET ME LIVE MY LIFE!" El screamed back, causing a plate to shatter.

"YOURE GROUNDED!! GO TO YOUR ROOM!!" Hopper screamed and pointed to Eleven's door. El stomped to her room, shutting the door with her mind. She slumped against the door, crying into her knees.

Eleven's P.O.V.

My radio crackled, signaling that someone was pressing the button, not talking. I stuck my hand out, and the walkie-talkie flew to my hand. I pressed the button down.

"Mike, I'm here. Alone." I whispered into the speaker.

"Oh thank god. I heard yelling. Are you okay babe?" Mike asked me.

"Mikey I'm okay. Just grounded." I sighed and put my head against the door. Mike laughed.

"My innocent little bean. Just sneak out." Mike said like it was completely obvious.

"How?" El asked, clutching the radio close.

"Out your window love. And just come through the basement door at my house." 

"O-okay. I'll see you in a bit Mike." I said and put the anntena down. I put pillows and sorta formed a fake body under my covers to fool Hopper. I shut off all my lights and crawled through my window.


I pulled my bike up the Wheeler's driveway, the motion sensing light turning on. I cussed under my breath and used my powers to shatter the light sensor. I knocked gently on the door. Mike slowly opened it, smiling once he saw me.

"Baby," He breathed and hugged me. I hugged him back. "come on, get inside. It's freezing out there." Mike pulled me inside. I slowly pulled away from the hug, and I looked into his eyes.

"Mike," I whispered. "You're my Romeo." Mike smiled at me.

"And you're my Juliet. Except we won't kill ourselves because that's not the smartest way to confess your love." He smiled as I blushed and giggled, lowering my head. He kissed the top of my head, and I just giggled again. I jumped on Mike's couch and he put his head in my lap. I played with his hair, getting lost in my own thoughts about the god who was laying in my lap.

"Mike." I broke the comfortable silence we were enjoying. He looked up at me.

"Yep?" He replied.

"I wanna kiss you, spit out your nasty flavored gum." I giggled.

"Cinnamon gum is great, what are you talking about?!" 

"Get Eggo flavored gum, then I'll gladly kiss you all the time." Mike took his gum out of his mouth and threw it into the garbage can. I giggled again and my boyfriend did the over dramatic pucker lips thing. "You know you're a fucking weirdo, right?" Mike pouted.

"Now I'm not gonna kiss you because you have a trashmouth! (wink wonk)" He laughed and got up from her lap, running around the basement. I rolled my eyes and ran after him. Mike laughed and stuck out his tongue. I got a crazy idea that I knew would piss off my nerdy boyfriend. I stuck out my hand, his campaign binder flying to it. His eyes got really big. "Eleven don't you dare." He groaned.

"Kiss me and I'll think about it." I bit my lip. He ran to me, kissing me sweetly. I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck. Someone pounded down the stairs, and we jumped apart. Hopper was standing on the bottom step, red as...he was redder than Mike, that was saying something. Mrs. Wheeler was also standing on the stairs, and Nancy was poking her head out the door.

"WHEELER!!" Hopper roared and stomped over to us. I stood in front of my boyfriend, scared of what Hopper could do.

"Leave him alone!!" I demanded, one hand sliding behind my back to grab his. "It was my idea to come here, not his!!" I lied smoothly.

"I DONT CARE!! YOU ARENT SUPPOSED TO BE DATING, MUCH LESS KISSING!!" Hopper roared again. Mike squeezed my hand gently.

"Sir, if you don't mind me saying-" Mike tried, only to get cut off by my adoptive dad.

"I actually do mind you saying." Hopper growled.

"Hop, please let him speak." I pleaded. Hopper stayed quiet.

"Um, I think El deserves to date, because you want her to have a normal teenage life right? And having a normal teenage life includes dating and kissing and sneaking out-" Mike said. Hopper put his head in his hands.

"Fine, I give up. You two can date, but El your still grounded for sneaking out." Hopper sighed. I smiled.

"Mike, you're grounded too for letting El come here after curfew." Mrs. Wheeler growled. Hopper stomped up the stairs.

"God, I need a cigarette..." He mumbled, walking past Nancy. Mrs. Wheeler looked at the two of us. 

"Grab your stuff El. Hop'll be leaving soon." She walked up the stairs as Nancy came down.

"You're lucky you guys are so in love, mom would've had my head." She laughed and walked back upstairs. I faced my red-faced boyfriend.

"WE CAN DATE!!!" I cheered. Mike laughed and shook his head.

"We've been dating for a while, just now we're official." He teased. I rolled my eyes and planted my lips on his.


guysguysguysguysguysguysguysguysguysguysguys we're number 862 in fanfiction ahhhhhhhh

also i love you all so much i just thought you should know

pls send requests i have no ideas

wink wonk

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