"Innocent sister"

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this is pink!el and grunge!mike its so cute


Mike leaned against the hood of his car, smoking. He breathed in a deep breath and removed the cigarette from his lips, exhaling into the stale air. He put the cigarette back between his lips, pulling his fingers through his curls. The school bell rang, opening the doors for the stream of kids walking out. Mike looked for only one certain girl who stole his heart.

There was a loud 'WHAT THE FUCK?!' that came from the stream of kids. A tiny girl with a pixie cut pushed through all the bigger kids. She was wearing a baby blue skirt, a tie-dye pink crop top, and black converse. 

"YOU FUCKER!" The girl screamed as she ran over to Mike, grabbing his cigarette and stomping it out. "YOU PROMISED!" She cried. Mike cupped her face with his hands.

"El, babe I'm sorry. Habits are hard to bre-"

"You don't taste good when I kiss you." El pouted, her lips pulling down into a frown. Mike sighed and looked up at the overcast sky.

"I'm sorry love. It's an addiction, I can't help it." He sighed. El ran her fingers down his jawline.

"I can keep you busy..." She whispered. Mike looked back into his girlfriend's eyes.

"What?" Mike's eyes went wide.

"I can keep your mouth busy so you don't smoke." She smiled. Mike smirked back.

"Oh really cutie?" He fixed his leather jacket as El stood on her tip-toes. Mike leaned down to her level and kissed her gently. El kissed back harder than he did, which surprised both of them. Mike sat her on the hood of the car and put his hands on her hips. El tangled her fingers in Mike's curly hair, and one under his shirt. Someone squealed behind them, making them jump apart.

"Michael Wheeler!" Dustin scolded playfully as Will just stared at them with an open mouth.

"My-my-my-MY INNOCENT SISTER! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" Will screamed. Mike glared at them as he wiped the lip gloss off his lips. El scoffed.

"I'm 16 Will. Let me live." She wrapped her arms around Mike's neck and jumped on his back. Mike held her legs.

"Yeah Will let her live." Mike smirked. Will crossed his arms.

"Whatever. Wha- IS THAT A HICKEY ON YOUR NECK?!" Will shrieked. El blushed and hid her neck in Mike's curly hair. Mike glared at Will and took a step closer.

"Leave. Her. Alone." Mike growled. He tried to look menacing, but he couldn't with a very cute girl on his back clinging onto him tightly. Will rolled his eyes and stormed away, Dustin following. El giggled and put her head in her boyfriend's mop of hair.

"I love you a lot." She whispered. Mike smiled, but she couldn't see.

"I love you too." He replied as he opened the passenger seat door for her. El slid down her boyfriend's back and hopped into the seat. Mike shut the door and sat in the drivers seat. "Well? Where do you want to go?" 

"Um, your house?" El shrugged. Mike nodded and pulled onto the road.


"Um, why are you at Mike's front door?" El asked as she leaned on the doorframe. Max and Lucas stood their with their bags on the stoop.

"Because we want to have a sleepover?" Max said in a bored voice. El sighed and motioned them in. She led them into the basement, where Mike was laying on the couch. 

"Hey babe who was th-oh hey Max, Lucas. Sleeping over?" He asked, and Lucas nodded.

"If that's cool?" He asked, pointing at him jokingly. Mike laughed and nodded. Lucas and Max threw their stuff against the wall and jumped on the couch.

"What about a game of truth or dare?" Max suggested and everyone agreed. 


"Okay El, truth or dare?" Lucas asked El after a few rounds. The group was sitting on the floor playing. 

"I guess dare?" El shrugged, and Lucas rubbed his hands together.

"Become Mike for a day. Leather jacket, beat-up converse, smoking, Mike do it, you gotta do it." He told her, and El's eyes became bigger.

"So no pink?" She asked.

"No pink." Lucas smiled. Mike laughed.

"Want to start now?" Mike asked, offering her a cigarette. El looked at them and made a face.

"Ughhh fine." She took one and looked at it with disgust. "Light it." Mike smirked and put his lighter to the end of the cigarette. El took a small drag and then coughed.

"Badass! Well except for the cough, but you did it!" Max cheered. El gave the cigarette back to Mike and shook her head.

"Nope. I don't like. Nope. Mikeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee." She whined, then coughed. Mike laughed and pulled her into a hug.

"Don't worry, you don't need to smoke." He laughed and rubbed her back. El coughed once more and put her head on his chest.

"I'm gonna sleep now. Night night." She yawned. Mike nodded. 

"Go to sleep." He cooed. Max and Lucas raised their eyebrows.

"So you're just gonna let her fall asleep on your chest?" Lucas asked. 

"Yeah, you wouldn't? She's comfy." Mike shrugged as he pet her head.

"Well I'm gonna hit the hay." Max yawned and Lucas nodded in agreement.

"Night guys." He smiled and picked El up and laid down on the couch, putting El next to him. The couple dozed off, holding each other close.


this was cute i think

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