"Can you help me?" 5

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i lied.


Mike's P.O.V.

It had been three and half years since the birth of our daughter, Emmy. She had been born with a full head of curly black hair, and she had gotten El's eyes. I could never ever say no to her gorgeous eyes, and even though she was little, she was hella smart.

"Daddy?" She asked as El and I made dinner. It was breakfast for dinner, and El was making Eggos as I poured the orange juice. I looked down at her, smiling.

"Yes my love?" I replied, kneeling down to her level. She looked up at me under her lashes like El use to.

"Can I have a cookie?" She smirked. 

"Emmy darling, I've told you a thousand times. No cookies before dinner!" I stood back up and put the lid on Emmy's cup.

"Daddyyyyyyyyyyyyy" She whined, and looked at El. "Momma-" She tried, only to get cut off by El.

"No baby. But you can help me!" My beautiful wife picked up our baby and balanced her on her hip. El hummed a little tune as she grabbed a plate, putting the Eggos on it. I walked over and kissed both of their noses.

"Eeeek!" Emmy shrieked, hiding her face in El's curly hair. "Mommy save me!" She giggled. El faced me and tried to contain her laughter.

"Oh scary one! Get away from Princess Emmy or face the wrath of the mighty Eleven!" She demanded, on the brink of crying with laughter.

"Oh, what are you gonna do, mighty Eleven?" I teased. El ran at me and kissed all over my face. Emmy squealed with laughter and watched. "Oh! I'm down!" I proclaimed and 'collapsed' on the floor. El held our baby in the air.

"We did it!" El cheered. Emmy giggled and hugged her mom. "Okay now Eggos!" She grabbed the plates and strapped Emmy into her highchair. I walked over and grabbed my Eggos, sitting down. El cut up Emmy's Eggos into smaller bits and sat down beside me. I held her hand as we ate.

"Max and Lucas are coming over in a bit, if you don't mind." I took a sip of my OJ.

"No I don't. Are they bringing Lucy?" El replied, and I nodded.

"Maybe she can babysit Emmy if the adults wanna go somewhere." I suggested. El clapped her hands with excitement. She was grown up now, but every so often little bits of her immature side came up. It's one of the things I love most about her.

"We can have everyone here! Great idea Mike!" She giggled and ran to the phone. I rolled my eyes playfully at her actions and released Emmy from her highchair. I sat on the ground next to her and made my Hans Solo (rip) action figure dance along. Emmy had Chewbacca, and she made a little roaring noise.

"Roar! Roar!" Emmy squealed, and I laughed. El walked back over and sat with us, taking out a Princess Leia action figure. She made the Princess kiss Hans. To add to it, she made kissing noises. "Yuck!" Emmy exclaimed and went to play with another toy.

"So? Is everyone coming?" I asked my wife. El crawled into my lap.

"Uh huh! They'll be over soon." She kissed my cheek and I smiled.

"I ever tell you how much I love you Eleven Wheeler?" I smirked.

"All the time Mister Wheeler." El giggled and the doorbell wrang. El ran to get it. I followed, and smiled as Dustin walked through the door. He didn't even acknowledge me, he just ran in.

"EMMY MY FAVORITE GIRL WHERE ARE YOU?!" He cried and Emmy ran out from where ever she was.

"Uncle Dusty!" She cheered and ran into his arms. Dustin hugged her tightly and I rolled my eyes.

"Good to see you too Dustin." I laughed and Dustin let go of Emmy chuckling. He gave me a bro hug and someone else walked through the door.

"Emmy Wilma Wheeler!" Will smiled and Emmy gave him a hug too.

"You know Will, you're the only person that calls her by her full name." I shook my head and picked Emmy up. Max and Lucas walked through the door at last as their daughter Lucy followed. El hugged Max and Lucy.  She guided everyone into the kitchen where we talked and laughed.


"Daddy!" Emmy whined in my arms as everyone conversed. 

"Yes baby?" I answered.

"Can I have my cookie now?"

"In a bit love."

"No!" Emmy huffed.

"Yes Emmy." I replied calmly.

"No! Cookie NOW!" Emmy screamed. The cookie jar, which was on top of the fridge, exploded and one flew to Emmy's hand. Everyone looked at the cookie jar, then at me, then at Emmy's nosebleed. Emmy happily munched on her cookie.

"Oh shit." Dustin said.


comment for another part or something

*cough cough* my name is emmy so i am their child *cough cough*

pls go read my reddie book! i will be your best friend!

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