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[Age 13+14]

Mike and Eleven were studying in Eleven's fort. Sort of, as Mike was stealing kisses from Eleven every so often. She giggled whenever he did so. 

"Mike," El complained. "we are studied!" Mike shook his head.

"That's past tense El. It's studying if we're doing it now, studied if we already did it, and to study is when you need to do it." Mike explained. She nodded and tried again.

"Mike we are studying!" She laughed as Mike gave her a forehead kiss.

"You see El," He started. "If you study too hard, you forget everything you just learned." Mike chuckled as she shoved him.

"No Mike! Friends don't lie!" She pushed him out of her fort. He gasped and put a hand to his head. 

"Eleven Jane Hopper!" Mike gasped as El started to panic, thinking that she really hurt her boyfriend. Mike crawled back into the fort. "Hey hey, calm down. I'm okay." He hugged her tightly.

"Mike?" Eleven asked.

"Yes El?"

"Your freckles are pretty. Like stardust." Mike started to blush after hearing her compliment, burying his face in her hair.

"Thanks El." They both sat in a comfortable silence, holding each other close.

"Mikey! Time for dinner!" Mrs. Wheeler called. "You too Eleven!" Mike slowly pulled away from his girlfriend. 

"I think my mom made mac and cheese. Wanna skip and go buy more Eggos?" Mike asked, Eleven jumping up with excitment. Mike gave her his jacket and put on his dad's. "Ready?"


Kinda hate this chapter but eh

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