"Bunch of nerds and a lovesick tomboy"

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so i hate school and yeah thats authors words of wisdom for today



Eleven's P.O.V.

I hate Mike at the moment. No, not hate. I still love him. He's just being an annoying piece of shit as Dustin would say. (me tho i call everyone that)

"He thinks that I can't do anything!" I complained to Will as I flopped down on his bed. "I killed the Demogorgon when I was 13 for god's sake! And he thinks that I need him to help me make friends?!" I sighed. Will patted my shoulder.

"He's just looking out for you sis. He wants you to be happy." Will sat next to me and began drawing my face.

"I know that Will, but I'm perfectly happy with Max and you and the boys as my best friends." I watched him draw.

"Well have you tried telling him that?"

"Course I have! He kept telling me to become 'normal' and have lots of friends! I'm not normal, and I never will be! My name is a number!" I exclaimed and threw my hands up.

"Well, he'll realize how stupid he was and come over here with Eggos begging for your forgiveness. I bet you a dollar."

"No way, Mike's not gonna-you know what yeah he will."

Mike's P.O.V.

El and I were hanging out in my room when I brought up the stupid topic about having more friends. I don't know why I even said that, I don't have many friends! I think I just want her to become even more apart of Hawkins, but I dunno. Anyways, we began to fight and she stormed out, walking back to her house.

It was about an hour and fifteen minutes later and I was standing at Will's window with Eggos. I knocked on it and Will opened it up.

"Dude! Why-did you know she was complaining to me about your relationship?!" Will whisper/yelled.

"She always goes to the closest person, since Max is away. Can I come in or are you gonna make me freeze to death?" I asked, and he moved to the side. I threw the box into the room and crawled through the window.

"Will who's- Oh. It's Mike." El tried to not act like her normal self when she saw me, but it didn't work. I picked the Eggo box off the floor and held onto them tightly.

"Sorry for being annoying earlier El. I just want you to be...you know...a more-no that's not the right word. So you can learn about society more, and not just stuff coming from a bunch of nerds and a lovesick tomboy." I sighed and looked down. Two arms wrapped around me.

"It's okay Mike. I forgive you. Now gimme Eggos!" She took the box from me and ran to the kitchen. I laughed and followed my hyper girlfriend out of Will's room.

"Called it El! You owe me a dollar!" Will called from behind us.



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