"Yes baby?"

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this one-shot is based on tear in my heart by twenty one pilots i believe? look up the lyrics *wink* 

person: hey finn what are you doing?

finn: just figuring out how to talk to satan...

person: what?

*highway to hell plays as 'get possessed' flashes across the screen*



Mike held Eleven's waist as they walked out of the crowded airport. El yawned and rubbed her eyes. It was almost 3 a.m., and the couple had been up all night traveling. They were coming back from Bermuda where they spent quality time with each other. *cough cough* they had sex for the first time *cough cough*

"Just hold on for a little while longer El." Mike kissed her temple and pulled his bags along. El tightened the straps to her backpack and rolled her suitcase along the shiny floor. Mike walked to his car, now holding El's hand tightly. After doing the dirty for the first time, the two got even closer, if that could happen. They always needed to be touching and they constantly were checking to see if the other was okay. Mike opened the car door for her. El crawled into the backseat and closed her eyes.

'Mhmmm Mike." El whispered as he put his seatbelt on, now in the driver's seat.

"Yes baby?" He replied, starting to drive.

"How long is the ride?" She asked, using her arm as a pillow.

"About three and a half hours. Take a nap my love." He cooed and El dozed off. Mike looked at her in the mirror and smiled to himself. On the highway, there was a lot of potholes and snow. Mike swerved around them, careful not to run over one and wake El up. 

After a while of nothing really happening, Mike saw the blinding lights of someone going the wrong way. "El! Sit up and cover your head!" Mike barked. El sat up and covered her head, not really up yet. Mike tried to get out of the way, but the other car hit them head on. Everything went black for the pair.


El's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a small room, with blinding lights. I gasped, sitting up. Two nice looking men rushed over. 

"Hey hey, it's okay. You're on the way to the hosp-" One said, but I cut him off.

"Where's my Mike?" I demanded, trying to get whatever they stuck on me off. The guy grabbed my hands.

"You mean the guy in the car with you? He's in another ambulance. I'm sorry ma'am I don't know what's going on with him." The guy replied, and I started bawling. Both the guys cleaned my bandages, which were around my arms and legs. The car thing stopped, and I looked out the back window. I saw my love being carted away, hooked up to a bunch of wires.

"Mike..." I bawled. The guy helped me out the the truck and I ran to the doctor who pushed Mike away. "Wha-what's wrong with my boyfriend?!" I demanded. The doctor sighed.

"Ma'am that's classif-" He started.

"Classified my ass! That is my boyfriend! Tell me what's going on with him or I swear to whatever being you worship I will kill you." I growled. The doctor did a nervous shuffle.

"He's-he's in a coma ma'am. That car...that car did some serious damage to him. After he's out of surgery you can see him. Call your family or something." The doctor walked away as more tears slipped down my cheeks. I went to the payphone and called the first person I could think of.

"Nancy Byers, who is this?" Nancy answered.

"Nance, it's me, El." I choked.

"El? Oh my goodness what happened? Are you crying?"

"Mike...car crash...coma." I bawled.

"Which hospital are you at? I'll be right there." Nancy said and I told her. I put the phone back and walked into the waiting room, my head in my hands. What if the love of my life never wakes up? Who will make me Eggos when I'm too tired to walk? Who will wipe the blood off my nose after I did something badass? No one. Mike was my one and only. After a little while I felt two arms wrap around me.

"Nancy he might be gone." I sobbed into her shoulder. She hugged me tighter.

"Don't say that. Everyone will be here soon El. They're all keeping both of you in mind." Nancy cooed and I just shut my eyes, praying that no more tears would fall. I sorta just dozed off, Nancy's shoulder as my pillow.


I was woken up by Nancy shaking me gently.

"El? El wake up sweetie." She whispered. I slowly opened my eyes. Memories flooded through my brain and tears threatened to fall for like the millionth time. "Honey they told me you can see Mike now. If you want, of course." I nodded.

"Is he awake?" I asked, and Nance shook her head sadly. "Let's go." I stood up and a nurse took us to Mike's room.



ill do the last part when I come back from vacay! love you all have a great christmas/kwanza/late hanukkah/i don't know any others sorry but happy holidays! may you have lots of love and snow!

love, emmy

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