"Innocent sister" 2

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El yawned and sat up, rubbing her eyes to wipe away the tiredness. She slowly sat up and realized that she was sitting on top of Mike. She got so flustered she fell onto the ground with a loud thud. Everyone sat up quickly, looking around. Mike glanced at El, who was sitting on the ground blushing, and picked her up.

"You okay baby? Did you fall?" He asked, brushing her curls behind her ear. El nodded and laid back down on his chest. Max looked over at the couple.

"How have you not fu-" Max started, only to get cut off by Mike.

"MAXINE!" He yelled. "NO!" El jumped by the loud noise and buried her head in Mike's neck. "Sorry babe. Hey I need a smoke, wanna come?" Mike asked. El nodded and rolled off his chest. Both of them stood up and walked out the door.

Mike leaned against the brick with a cigarette in his mouth. El sat at his feet, smiling as they talked.

"And this girl hit me!" El finished as her smile turned to a frown. Mike frowned and snuffed out his cigarette against the wall. 

"Who hit you love?" Mike asked as he slid down the wall next to her.

"This girl named Paige." She put her head in her hands. Mike pulled her close, rubbing her back.

"When baby? Was it yesterday or...?" 

"Yesterday. I was crying before I yelled at you." She put her head on his chest. Mike nodded.

"Ima slap have Max slap a bitch." Mike whispered under his breath.

"Say something?" El asked and Mike shook his head.

"Let's go inside. School's gonna start soon." Mike suggested and El agreed.


Mike pulled his car into the school parking lot, one hand on the steering wheel and the other on El's thigh.

"Welcome to Hell! Satan is played by Paige!" El groaned as she banged her head against the window. Mike sighed and pulled El away from the window.

"Don't hurt yourself baby. Come on, let's go." He got out of the car and helped El out of the passenger seat. He picked El up bridal style with her backpack in her lap. Mike carried El inside glaring at everyone who looked at them weirdly. He put her down at her locker. "I'll be back. Stay here and be on the look out for Paige." Mike told her as he ran off to find Max.

Max and Lucas were making out at her locker. Mike scowled with disgust and slammed his hand into the lockers.

"Guys!" He yelled, making the couple jump apart. Max crossed her arms.

"What do you need?" Max asked. 

"El is being bullied by this girl Paige. I can't slap her, obviously, but you can as a girl. Do it." Mike told her. Max smirked.

"Is Mikey trying to ask for help?" Max teased as Mike crossed her arms.

"No...yes I am. Please beat the shit out of that girl she needs to feel pain." Mike sighed and Max squealed.

"Yay! I get to beat someone up!" She cheered and ran off, Lucas following her. Mike smiled and went back to his girlfriend who was getting books from her locker.

"I have a surprise for you babe." Mike smirked at El, who looked at him with big eyes.

"What is it?" Mike smiled at her question and motioned to the busy hallway, where a fiery redhead was stalking a blonde-haired basic girl.

"PAIGE!" Max screamed, making the blonde turn around.

"What?" Paige asked, and Max slapped her across the face.

"Stay away from my friend or there's more where that came from!" Max yelled. Paige stumbled back and ran to the girl's bathroom.

"Did you put Max up to that?" El asked, tears in her eyes. Mike nodded and looked down at his tiny girlfriend. El shoved him (it didn't do much) and walked off, tears in her eyes. Mike watched her walk away, confused.

"What I do? What I doooooooooooooooo?" Mike asked the small girl as she walked into the girl's bathroom after Paige.


Mike waited outside the girl's bathroom until El came out, which was 15 minutes later. Paige came out first and paid no attention to the tall boy. El came out, and Mike sprung up. 

"El! Babe!" Mike yelped as she walked out.

"No." Was all El said. Mike frowned.

"Fine. I-I-I-I-I-I'm sorry Eleven." Mike sighed, making El turn around, her eyes now soft. 

"Don't hurt people. It only makes you as bad as the person. But thank you for saying sorry." She stood of her tiptoes and kissed his lips gently. Mike smiled into the kiss and grabbed El's thighs, making her wrap her legs around Mike's waist. "I love you." She giggled, wrapping her arms around Mike's neck.

"I love you more. Let's skip and go make out behind the school." Mike suggested.

"Fine. But only for one period!" El giggled and Mike ran out the back doors carrying his tiny girlfriend.



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