"You guys a thing yet?" 2

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As six o'clock rolled around, Nancy smiled happily at the girl who was sitting in front of the vanity. Eleven stared at herself in the mirror. Her hair down with a braid running through it, her legs in a denim skirt, and she was wearing a baggy sweater tucked into the skirt. El had a feeling it was Mike's but she didn't say anything.

"You look great El." Nancy fluffed up the younger girl's hair as someone knocked on the shut door.

"Come in!" El called, and Mike opened the door. His eyes instantly lit up when he saw his girlfriend in his sweater.

"Wow Ellie, you look amazing." He gushed, making El blush. She smiled at her socked feet.

"Go! Go have fun!" Nancy told them, shooing them out of her room. Mike took El's hand and ran to the front door, both of them shoving their feet in sneakers. "Wait, not too much fun!" Nancy called to the duo over the railing at the top of the steps. Mike waved her off and grabbed his and El's jackets.

"To the bike!" Mike laughed as the pair of teenagers ran out to the door. Mike picked up his bike off the lawn. He jumped on first, then handed El her jacket as she got on behind him.

"And we're off!" El giggled, making (or trying) her voice to sound like a sports announcer. Mike laughed and shook his head playfully at the girl who had her arms wrapped around his waist. Mike began pedaling away from town towards the fairground.



"Are you excited for the carnival?" Mike asked Eleven, their hands intertwined together as they walked to the ticket booth. El nodded her head but kept quiet, looking at the bright lights and many people. Mike dug around in his pockets for his money and forked over the cash to pay for him and the girl beside him. "So I've got the ride tickets, which one do you want to do first?"

"That one!" El pointed to the bumper cars with a gleam of excitement in her eyes. "Can we go?!" She squealed, looking at Mike with big eyes.

"Come on!" He laughed and ran for the line, El rejoining hands with him as they ran.


The two teens spent the majority of the night riding rides, playing carnival games, (Mike won El a stuffed tiger that she named Mikey Jr.) and eating so much shitty fair food that both of their stomachs hurt.

The night began to get dark as El stated that she was tired and her legs hurt from walking and running so much.

"One more ride?" Mike asked, squeezing the tiny girl's hand. "Please? For me?"

"Fine, but I want a piggy back ride." El teased, letting go of Mike's hand and jumping on his back. The boy smiled and held her legs as he walked to the line for the Ferris wheel. With the girl on his back, Mike handed the guy standing next to the Ferris wheel the last two tickets he had. The ticket guy directed them to the last car. The wheel began moving, and El let out a squeak of fear.

"Hey, hey, it's okay." Mike wrapped his arm around the girl beside him and looked out onto the town. El rested her head on Mike's shoulder and watched the sunset.

"It's really pretty." El said.

"Yeah, but you're prettier." Mike responded, making El look up to the taller boy beside her. She opened her mouth, but Mike cut her off by planting his lips on hers. Mike pulled away first, putting his big hand on the small girl's cheek. "Will you be my girlfriend Ellie?"

"Course Mikey." El responded, her cheeks a bright pink. He placed his lips on her forehead, then put his arm around her shoulders as the newly formed couple rode the last of the ride.


The couple rode back to Hopper's cabin, past the sign that red 'The Caligari Carnival! All Donations Go To The Volunteer Fire Department!' (if you get that I love you so much) Mike stopped in front of the cabin, careful not to set off the trip wire.

"I'll call you later Mike." El smiled as she dismounted the bike and waved goodbye to her boyfriend.

"Wait! You're forgetting something!" Mike shouted after the girl. She turned around, a smile on her face as she ran back and kissed her boyfriend on the lips with such ferocity that it surprised the both of them. El pulled away shyly. "You gave me your wallet El. You forgot your wallet." Mike laughed, handing her wallet over.

"Thanks Mike." She laughed, skipping to her home and waving goodbye.


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