"November 10th"

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hola thanks for 500 reads! i wont be able to update tommrow sorry



Eleven's P.O.V.

I was jumping on my bed, listening to old songs. I sang along to the words I knew, using my hairbrush as a mic. I heard a click that came from my doorway, and I turned around to see Will and Mike smiling at me, Will holding Jonathan's camera.

"Wow El, you're great at singing."  Mike walked into my room. I stood on my tiptoes and was about to give him a kiss, and Will cleared his throat. I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you little sis. Now, we come on important business." I looked at Mike, my eyebrows knotted. 

"W-What kind-are you taking me back to the lab?!" I whimpered. Mike's eyes widened. 

Mike's P.O.V.

Take her back to the lab?! She thought I would take her back?! I pulled her in for a tight hug. Will cleared his throat again. 

"No we're not El. Do you have-do you know what a birthday is?" Will asked. My girlfriend shook her head. "Well, it's the day your mom...put you in this world." Eleven looked at me, then Will.

"B...birthday...Mike has a birthday...you have a birthday...I have a momma. When's my birthday?" I kissed her head, knowing that she was about to cry.

"That's what we're here for. Pick a date. It'll be your birthday, the day you turn 14." I said and Will nodded.

"W-When was the day we first kissed?" Eleven asked me,

"November 10, the day you killed the monster." I held her hand, knowing she was sensitive about the subject.

"You kissed before the Snowball?!" Will looked like he was about to explode. Eleven nodded.

"He asked me to the Snowball. I kept my promise." El leaned on me and I supported her weight. 

"It's settled. Jane Hopper was born on November 10. But my Eleven is the one with the badass tattoo." I laughed and kissed her. She kissed back, a little too happy for Will's taste.

"Jeez you guys act like you haven't seen each other in months." He rolled his eyes and gave the polaroid of El jumping on her bed and singing. He walked out the door after screaming "Use protection!". El blushed and laid down on her bed.

"Normal...Jane Hopper is normal."


i have hour of code tommorow ugh

peace Eggos

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