"Marry you"

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El's P.O.V. ~ 1987 ~ 17 years old

Mike and I sat in a grass meadow that we had just discovered. I was in the woods that resided behind the cabin that my adoptive father and I owned. Both of us were laying on our backs, staring at the fluffy clouds that floated through the air.

"El?" Mike asked, intertwining our hands.

"Yes?" I replied, giving him a reassuring squeeze to go on.

"I'm gonna marry you someday, do you know that?" Mike turned his head to face me, a serious look plastered on his freckled cheeks.

"Well of course I know that, I thought you knew that too." I used my free hand to poke his cheek. "We're soulmates, aren't we?"

"Soulmates brought together by some jacked up shit." My lovely boyfriend told me, making me giggle.

"Jacked up poo. You're right." I cuddled into his body.

"I promise to marry you Eleven." I heard him whisper, making me smile and kiss his cheek.

"I won't let you forget that Michael."

Mike's P.O.V. ~ 1993 ~ 23 years old

I paced the meadow that was behind El's cabin. It was her first day back to Hawkins since she left after Easter to go back to medical school, and I couldn't be more excited to see her. Suddenly, I saw her figure creep out from the dense woods. He still short hair hung just above her shoulders, her overalls and flannel showing that she hadn't changed a bit, except with a little eyeshadow and a daisy choker.

"Mike!" She squealed once her eyes landed on me. My girlfriend's little body ran at me, tackling me with so much force she could have been a football player. "I missed you!" 

"Oh El, I missed you too." I replied, kissing her lips gently. She pulled away and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"You know, school's so boring without you." My tiny girlfriend complained. I rolled my eyes.

"You just miss me giving you the answers." I teased, poking her cheek. She laughed and nodded.

"So, you said you had something planned?" She asked, removing her arms from my neck and sitting on the ground cross legged. I across from her.

"Yeah, I have something that I promised you." I told her, pulling a gift-wrapped box out of my pocket.

"A present? For me?" El smiled, taking the box.

"Go on, open it." I told her. El careful removed the ribbon that I tied around the small box, then ripped the paper off. The little black box was exposed, making her furrow her eyebrows in confusion.

"I don't understand." She said, looking up at me. I leaned over and opened the box for her, revealing my grandmother's engagement ring.

"I went through with my promise we made in this spot six years ago. I wanna marry you Eleven." I whispered, making her gaze break away from the box and up at me.

"Y-you wanna marry me? M-mike...I'm just a lab rat..." She whimpered, glancing at the 011 on her wrist. Her actions gave me an idea.

"A, no you're not, you're my El who I love and care about very much. B, you don't need to be married with a ring. How about we ditch the ring, I know you don't like them very much because it gets in the way of your powers." I told her. El's eyebrows knotted again with confusion.

"Don't get me wrong the ring's beautiful, but how can someone be 'married' without a ring?" She asked.

"How can someone go into another dimension, or move stuff with their minds? Anythings possible my love." I smiled, standing up and sticking out my hand for her. She took it, and the both of us got into my car which was parked at El's house, and drove into town.


I parked my car and hopped out, opening the door for my girlfriend to get out. She jumped out, looking around.

"Mike, why are we at a tattoo place?" El asked, hiding behind me as an old man with white hair went by. I saw her shoot a glance at him, and stand up straighter. Man, 11 years and that damn doctor still has an effect on her.

"Because I have an idea." I told the girl standing behind me. I walked confidently into the establishment, El clinging to my forearm. I went to the counter and pulled out $100 in cash. "Can I get a tattoo?" I said to the heavily tattooed man standing behind the counter. He looked at the money.

"Sure, go sit down." He pointed to the big chair that was next to us. I glanced at El, who was looking at me curiously. I sat in the chair, and El sat next to me on another. The tattooed man came over to us and smiled kindly.

"Is this your first tattoo?" He asked. I nodded.

"Sure is, and it's a secret from her." I pointed at El, who was bouncing her leg. The guy smiled.

"Oh yeah? Well, whisper it here and I'll get right on it." He laughed. I leaned in and whispered the tattoo I wanted.

El's P.O.V. ~ 1993 ~ 23 years old (same time)

Mike leaned into the tattoo guy's ear and whispered something to him, probably about his tattoo. I bit my lip. I'm honestly not even sure what he's doing right now, he has always said that he'd never get a tattoo. Maybe something's changed since I left for med school. I needle started buzzing, and I grabbed Mike's hand.

"I'll be fine El, don't worry. It's only a little pain." He smiled, making heart melt. My husband-I mean boyfriend, after 11 years he still makes me feel like a little girl. I felt Mike tense up, and I saw the needle hit his skin. I rubbed his hand steadily to distract him from the pain. The buzzing stopped, and Mike hid his forearm. "Ready?" I nodded. Mike showed me his forearm, which has 011 on it. It looked exactly like mine.

"Mike..." I smiled, putting our arms next to each other. They matched, perfectly. "Of course I'll marry you, you big doofus." I whispered to him, making him laugh.

"Gee thanks." He kissed my head, causing me to blush. "Can I have the ring ba-"

"No, I'm keeping it forever." I told him, taking the ring box out of my overalls and holding it tightly against my heart. Mike just laughed.

"God, you're adorable. Come on, let's go." He took my hand, and the both of us walked to his car to tell everyone the good news.


this is the end of an era guys :( i might make a second, so be on the look out. follow me, vote, comment, and read my other book called lover's lane!

xoxo, emmy

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