"Can you help?"

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well hello there



Mike was pacing in the kitchen, fighting with himself.

"Will she say no?" Mike asked himself, then grabbed his curly hair. "Fuck!" The front door swung open, and behind the big grocery bags was his teeny girlfriend.

"Mike? Can you help me?" She asked, struggling to hold all the heavy bags. Mike ran over to Eleven and grabbed more than half the bags.

"You okay? I can carry more." Mike set the bags on the counter and turned back to Eleven, and she was already putting stuff away. "Um, El, I have something to tell you." Mike said, clearing his throat. Eleven looked back at her boyfriend.

"I'm listening." She smiled as she turned around. Mike got down on one knee and took out a black box.

"Since the day we met in the woods, I knew we had something." Mike started. "Something deep inside me told me to take you in and protect you in anyway I could. I remember seeing you in my clothes the first time, and you looked so cute, even though you were scared out of your mind. The first night you slept in the fort, I had to fight every urge to go down to the basement and sit with you until you were fast asleep. Then we put you in that stupid blonde wig, and you looked prettier without it, but I couldn't say that in front of you and the boys. After you did the thing with the radio and you passed out, I started freaking out. That's when I knew; I knew that you had to be with me forever. And when you ran away after fighting with Lucas, I was so so so scared that you could be hurt, or even seen. And when you killed the Demogorgon and left me, I became a different person. The week we were together was a week that changed me. You changed me." Both of them were on the brink of crying their eyes out.

"Mike-" Eleven started, but Mike cut her off.

"Let me finish love. 353 days I was depressed, wanting to hold you close. If I only had known that you were alive, much less so close to me, I would've been so happy. But I didn't and now I know that it was better for the both of us. But that day, day 353, when you walked through that door, I knew El. I knew that I would never ever, whatever came at us, I would never let you go. Then you had to go and close that fucking gate. If I had lost you, this time for good, I would've not been the same. But you came back. And you didn't break your promise, as we went to the Snowball and kissed for the second time. That was the day I told you I loved you, and explained it too. And everything else that has happened, like Hopper and Joyce's wedding, the birth of Nance and Johnny's kid, and us becoming official. Now I want to take that a step farther." Mike opened the black box, showing a dainty diamond ring. "Marry me Eleven Jane Ives Hopper?" Mike asked, and Eleven started sobbing.

"Yes yes yes yes yes." She kissed him with passion. Mike smiled and kissed her back, setting her down on the counter. He slipped the ring onto her finger. "Mike I have something else to tell you." El looked into her fiancee's eyes.

"Yes love?" Mike replied, smiling. El lifted up her shirt, revealing a tiny bump sticking out between her hips.

"I'm pregnant."


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