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El picked up her backpack and slung it over her shoulders, imitating Mike who had just done it a few seconds ago. Mike smiled happily at his girlfriend and grabbed both of their sleeping bags.

"You ready for some camping cutie?" Mike asked, wiggling his eyebrows. El nodded excitedly.

"Yeah! I don't understand why I have to share a tent with Max though and not you..." El's voice trailed off as she thought about the sleeping situation. 

"Well, Joyce and Hopper will be with us, so that means you can't really be as lovey as you usually are when we're alone." Mike explained, and El nodded.

"Cause Hop'll get red in the face." She added, which made Mike laugh.

"Yes, exactly." The couple hiked through the woods to Castle Byers, where the camp was set up. Will was already there setting up the campfire, and Joyce and Hopper were pitching a tent. 

"Hey Will!" El exclaimed, dropping her bags and running over to her adoptive brother. Will looked up from setting the stones and smiled. 

"Hey El! Wanna help me? Mike, you can too." Will told the couple. El and Mike nodded. "Okay, go find some big rocks and give them to me, and I'll put them in a circle so the fire doesn't spread." El nodded and grabbed Mike's hand, pulling him into the woods. Mike raised an eyebrow at his girlfriend.

"What are you up to, pretty?" He teased, poking her side. El lead him deeper into the woods and faced him.

"Kiss?" She giggled. Mike rolled his eyes and grabbed her face, pulling her lips up to his. El kissed back happily, wrapping her arm around her boyfriend's neck. Mike got tired of bending over, so he picked her up, pushing her against a tree and holding onto her legs, which were wrapped around his waist.

"WOAH MY EYES!" Dustin screamed, covering his eyes with his hands. Mike dropped El in suprise, making El whimper from the loss of contact and the painful landing. Mike looked down at his girlfriend and knelt down, brushing her curls out of her face.

"I'm sorry babe." He said, kissing the tiny girl's knuckles. El giggled and buried her head in Mike's neck as he picked her up. El looked over Mike's shoulder at Dustin.

"Leave now and forget what you saw. Mike and I were collecting rocks and I slipped." She threatened, not actually serious but wanting Dustin to go the hell away. She did her signature glare, which sent Dustin running back to camp. Mike laughed and kissed his girlfriend's shoulder.

"Have I ever told you that you're the absolute best?" Mike asked, making El blush. He poked her side. "Huh?" He asked again, tickling her.

"Yes! Yes, you have! Now stop!" She squealed, clinging to Mike. He laughed and stopped tickling her. 

"Now where were we?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

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