"He kissed me"

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[Age 13+14]

Eleven loved school. She loved the way it looked, the responsibility, the freedom. But most of  all, she loved seeing Mike every day. Eleven had a lot of classes with her boyfriend. The ones she had without him were with Will or Dustin, so they were okay. Eleven only had one class alone, and that was History. She hated history.

Will was hanging out with Dustin around the water fountain. They were discussing plans for the weekend. "Hey, if you come over, I'll bring the cand-" Dustin was cut off after seeing Eleven sobbing as she walked out of the history classroom. Dustin and Will looked at each other and Dustin took off to find Mike. 

"Eleven..." Will said as he hugged her tightly, waiting for Mike to take care of her. Mike shoved past groups of kids in the hallway with Dustin on his heels. He saw Eleven crying in Will's arms and his heart broke.

"El..." He whispered as she ran to his arms, sobbing harder. "El it's ok. It's ok." He rubbed her back and kissed her head, waiting for her to calm down. "Can you tell me what happened?" He asked, his blood boiling.

"H-he g-grabbed m-me Mike." She sniffled. "L-like t-the way," She hiccuped. "Y-you d-do b-but meaner." Mike clutched his innocent girlfriend close.

"Where did he grab you El?" He asked through his teeth. Eleven hiccuped again.

"M-my f-face. H-he k-kissed m-m-me." Mike growled.

"Who did El? Was it Troy?" Eleven gave a slow, sad nod in response to his question. Mike let go of his girlfriend and walked over to Troy's locker, looking quite crazy. He was being followed by Will, Dustin, and Eleven.

"Mike!" Dustin yelled to him. "Think about this!" Dustin got no reply. Mike slammed Troy into the silver lockers with a loud bang.

"You kissed her?!" He shouted, his vision going red. Troy smirked.

"I did. Whatcha gonna do about it, Frogface?" Mike punched him in the jaw and kneed him in the crotch.

"That! Keep your hands off my girlfriend!" he kicked him in the stomach after releasing him. Eleven gasped.

"Mike!" She ran into his arms. Mike caught her and held her tight.

"I love you El. I'll do anything to protect you."



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