"Truth or dare"

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okay hi so im writing a shit ton bc im home alone and v bored so ur welcome

also @fangurrrrlll ILL ACTUALLY CUT YOU IF U STOP WRITING SO KEEP WRITING (this was inspired by her truth or dare one)


Max's P.O.V.

The boys were playing Dungeons and Dragons, and El and I were on the couch. I was teaching her how to tie shoe laces.

"So the loops twirl and then go under and yeah." I showed her on my vans. El just watched, intrigued. I groaned, getting tired of teaching. I wanted to do something with the boys, as they were playing that game all day, and I wasn't 'a high enough level.' I looked at them. "Hey idiots! Let's play truth or dare wussies!" I shouted. El looked at me with curious eyes as the boys nodded, leaving their stupid table and sitting in a circle around the coffee table.

"How do you play truth or dare?" El asked, practically sitting in her boyfriend's lap.

"Well, someone asks you to pick either truth or dare. Let's say you pick truth, you have to answer a question truthfully. If you pick dare, you have to do the dare." I explained. El nodded, then smiled really big and whispered something to Mike. Mike laughed and nodded. My eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.

"Okay! I'll start!" Dustin smiled and looked at Will. "Will the Wise! Truth or dare?" Dustin asked, leaning against the couch. Will sat cross legged on the floor.

"Truth, I guess." Will shrugged. Dustin smiled evilly and rubbed his hands together.

"Do you have a crush on Jennifer?" Dustin smirked. Will gagged.

"Ew Dustin. And if you haven't noticed, I'm gay as fuck." He flipped his short hair and I laughed.

"Okay Will, your turn!" I smirked. Will looked at the group.

"Lucas, truth or dare." Will smirked.

"Dare! I'm no sissy!" He laughed. Will looked at Dustin and the two laughed. 

"I dare you to go jump in the snow wearing only what you're wearing now." Will smirked. Lucas nodded and opened the Wheeler's basement door, running outside. All of us looked out the window to see Lucas jumping into the snow. He ran back inside and shook the loose snow at us. We all screamed and went back to our original spots. Lucas cleared his throat.

"Okay! El, truth or dare." Lucas asked the petite girl.

"Truth please." El smiled and leaned on Mike. I swooned at their cuteness.

"Okay, has Mike ever given you a hickey? " Lucas asked, making Mike choke on air.

"Nope nope nope nope another question she's too innocent nope nope nope-" Mike tried to protect his girlfriend, but El looked at him curiously.

"Mike, what's a hickey?" She asked her boyfriend, making him turn red.

"It's a bruise..." Mike rubbed the back of his neck.

"Why would you purposely give someone a bruise?"

"It feels good I guess..."

"How can bruises feel good?"

"Later El, I promise." Mike sighed.

"Wow, you're great at this Wheeler." I laughed.

"Okay okay! My turn!" El squealed happily.

El's P.O.V.

Oh, I was gonna get Max soooooooo good. The plan I came up with was full proof.

"Max, truth or dare?" I asked, but I already knew my answer. Max was my best friend, after all.

"Dare! I shall do my dare with pride!" She shouted, putting her fist in the air. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay. I dare you and Lucas to kiss again because I know what happened at the Snow Ball and you haven't done anything and that's annoying as fuck because I ship it-" I got cut off by Max being herself.

"YOU SAW?!?!?" She screeched, making herself and Lucas go red.

"Not then, I was busy kissing Mike. But like after I went to the black shady place to see what else happened and I saw it! Isn't that great? And now you can kiss and put Lumax into action!" I highfived Mike. Max just sighed as Lucas put his hand on hers.

"We've done it before Max...it's not gonna be any diff-" Lucas got cut off by Max, who planted her lips on his. I cheered.

"LUMAX IS A GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" I cheered, running around the basement. When I sat back down next to Mike, the two were still kissing. "Okay okay that's enough." I tugged on Max's hair, and she pulled away. The two were blushing profusely, and that's when I knew THAT I FUCKING PUT MY SECOND FAVORITE SHIP INTO ACTION!!!


my sister was yelling at me for listening to emo music

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