"Proper grammar" 3

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El peeked her head out of the bathroom door.

"Mike! Michael Wheeler!" El called to her host. Mike walked over to the door.

"Hey, what's up?" Mike smiled. El shuffled nervously.

"My clothes are wet..." She blushed and moved farther behind the door. "And I don't have any other clothes..." Mike's eyes widened.

"Uh...Uh...I'll lend you some of mine..." Mike ran off to his room to get her clothes. El giggled and fixed her towel. Mike ran back and handed her the bundle of clothes, a hand over his eyes.

"Glad you aren't a perv Wheely." She giggled and took the clothes, shutting the door. Mike slumped against the wall, tapping his foot and checking his watch.

Like 30 minuets later, El walked out of the bathroom totally dry. She glanced down at Mike.

"You waited for me?" El asked, completely dumbfounded. Mike nodded and smiled at her as he stood up.

"Course. What if you were done and you got lost in my house? My mom could see you, or worse, my sister..." Mike scratched the back of his neck. El just kissed his cheek.

"Thanks Wheely." El smiled and put her hands on her hips that were covered with his sweatpants. "Now, let's go find Will." Mike just gaped at her and El ruffled his hair. "Close your mouth, you'll catch flies." She skipped out the front door. Mike followed.

"I should probably call my friends. We can meet on Mirkwood." Mike said as he pulled out his phone. He called Dustin and Lucas, ordering them to come to the dusty path.


Dustin and Lucas met El and Mike on the road. Dustin raised his eyebrows.

"You El?" Dustin asked.

"I am. I'm assuming you're Dustin?" El replied.

"I am. You and Mike fu-" Dustin started, but Lucas shoved him.

"Dude! Shut your ass up!" Lucas scolded. Mike and El blushed. Dustin laughed. Mike approached Dustin and grabbed his collar.

"Don't you ever," He said in a quiet voice. "Ever insult her." He growled and let Dustin go. Mike returned to El's side. Dustin and Lucas looked at each other with big eyes.

"Well? What are we waiting for? Let's go find Will!" El cheered and began walking into the woods.


After what seemed like ever, the group took a break. Dustin passed out juice boxes and the group leaned on trees. Mike suddenly remembered something.

"El! Doesn't your dad work for the police?" Mike looked at El.

"Yeah, he does...why?" El replied.

"You could like, flash his badge and get information!"

"Mike, it doesn't work like that. I'm sorry..." El put her head on his shoulder. Mike sighed.

"I just want him to be found..." Mike sniffled. El stood up.

"Let's go on a walk. Just the two of us." El proposed. Dustin wiggled his eyebrows behind the pair's back. Mike shrugged.



these are v short im sorry but comment ideas i need more

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