"Sucking faces"

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song: Embarrassment by Madness


[Age 14+15]

Eleven was walking around the Wheeler house groaning.

"Mike I'm bored!" She groaned. Mike looked over at her from his book.

"Read a picture book?" He suggested and she shook her head. 

"I've read all of Holly's books. Can we go to the th...theater?" El asked, sitting next to her boyfriend. Mike nodded excitedly.

"Let's see Stand By Me! I heard it's really good!" Mike stood up and grabbed his Super Com. Eleven's eyebrows knotted.

"Why are you picking up the-the," She looked for the right word. "Walkie-Talkie!"

'Well, I was gonna invite the boys...is that okay with you?"

Eleven's P.O.V.

No, it was not 'okay' with me! I want Mike alone so he can hold me. But I don't want him to get mad, and yell. When Mike yells at me, I get sad.

"T-that's f-fine..." I mumbled, rubbing my arm. Mike smiled. Wow, I love his smile. I was in a better mood after seeing him light up.

"Hey guys, wanna see a movie? Over." Mike said into the Super Com. Dustin picked up first.

"I will, as long as you and El don't suck each other's faces the whole time." Dustin laughed. Mike rolled his eyes and blushed. Man, he was cute.

"M-Mike? W-what's s...sucking f...faces?" I asked, looking at his deep red face. 

"Um..." Mike looked at his knees. Dustin laughed.

"Oh my sweet, innocent Eleven..." Dustin kept laughing. "Honey sucking face is when you kiss for a long time." Mike growled. 

"Don't call her 'yours' Dustin. She doesn't belong to anyone anymore." Mike said to Dustin. Lucas, Max, and Will joined in on the conversation.

"Nah, he's just jealous." Will laughed. "But seriously, I'll come if you don't suck faces." I hid my face in my hands. Why were they all picking on me? I just liked kissing Mike. He was my love.

Mike's P.O.V.

Eleven buried her head in her hands. What the hell?! They were making her embarrassed! 

"Stop it guys. I'll meet you at the theater at 3:45. Over." El leaned on me, and I wrapped my arm around her.

"Max and I will see you there." Lucas turned his Super-Com off.

"Me too." Will turned off his too.

"Bye! I'll be there!" Dustin turned his Super-Com off and I'm guessing he went to find candy he could sneak into the theater. I turned back to my girlfriend. 

"Hey-hey love. It's okay." I kissed her head and she seemed to calm down. "Let's get ready to go." I stood up and grabbed my dad's coat. She grabbed my coat and I smiled down at her. I love her so much. "Put a hat on El it's cold." I pulled my hat on as she pulled her big lumberjack hat on. I walked out the door and grabbed my bike. She hopped on and I did so too.

Eleven's P.O.V. 

I wrapped my arms around Mike's waist tightly. My cheek rested on his shoulder and he started to pedal off to the town.


Mike pulled up to the theater, but I didn't want to let him go. I squeezed him tighter He let out an airy chuckle. 

"Eleven, you need to let go..." he laughed quietly. I sighed and let him go reluctantly. He helped me off the bike and he locked it. I never left his side. Dustin, Mike, Max, and Lucas walked up to us. I hid behind Mike, my whole face red. 

"Hey Eleven...why are you hiding?" Max asked me, looking around Mike. Mike glared at Dustin.

"He teased her about kissing. She's...uh...how do I put this? Is mad?" Mike sighed. I shook my head.

"Not mad...kissing good. I like kissing." I said, smiling up at Mike. Will and Dustin scoffed. Mike smiled back at me. 

"Come on, I don't wanna miss the previews!" Will shouted at us, and the boys walked inside. Max walked over to me.

"Yah know, you're the one with powers. You can kick his ass." Max laughed. I shrugged. 

"I don't use my powers. I want to be normal." I said and looked at my hands. Max nodded and grabbed my hand.

"Let's go so we can get good seats." She pulled me along and into the building.


doing a part 2 so



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