"Can you help?" 3

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la devotee


Mike's P.O.V.

El and I were driving to Jonathan and Nancy's house. My knuckles were white I was gripping the steering wheel so hard. El put her small hand on my thigh.

"I'll make sure nothing happens Mike. Promise." She breathed, and I relaxed my grip.


I pulled my car into Nancy and Jonathan's driveway. I was behind Hopper's truck, and I gulped. El got out and so did I. I walked to the front door and knocked. El stood next to me. I wrapped my arm around her waist. Nancy opened the door.

"Mike! Eleven!" She squealed and hugged both of us. "Come in, come in!" She smiled. I had missed her since she moved to the next town over. Both of us stepped in. I saw Hopper sitting on the couch, watching the Cubs. (go cubbies) Joyce was cleaning and Barbie was playing with a teddy bear. I grabbed El's hand.

"Joyce!" El squealed and Joyce turned around.

"Eleven! Mike!" She ran over and gave both of us a big hug. "How's it going?" Joyce asked.

"Um...let me get back to you on that. Could you, uh, go sit near Hop? And get Jonathan too, everyone needs to hear." I wiped the sweat off my brow. I was about to pass out. El looked at me.

"I'll get Nance." She corralled everyone to the living room. I stood in front of everyone, El at my side. She took some of the weight off my shoulders.

"We have something you want to tell you-" El got cut off by Will, who walked in the front door.

"Hey Mike, Hey El. You telling everyone that you're getting married?" Will asked and I put my head in my hands.

"You're getting married?!" Hopper roared. "Without telling me?!"

"Hopper calm down." Joyce patted his arm. "They don't need your permission. It's not the 30's."

"Did you-oh shit." Will let out a nervous chuckle. 

"Nice going Will." Jonathan rolled his eyes. "But yeah. Congrats." Nancy gave El a big hug.

"I'm so happy for you!" She smiled. "Now you'll be like my actual sister!"

"But we have something else to tell you." I looked at El, who nodded back to me.

"I'm pregnant." She lifted her chin.

"Now you're dead Mike." Jonathan leaned back.

"She's what Wheeler?! Hopper roared again and Joyce stood up. 

"I was pregnant with Jonathan before I got married to Lonnie. As long as you're doing it out of love and not the baby, I'm completely fine." Joyce said. Nancy nodded.

"She's right. But I'm gonna be an auntie!" Nancy cheered, then looked at Will. "Slacker."

"Thanks Nance. It's not like I'm gay or anything." Will rolled his eyes.

"It's called adoption dude." Jonathan laughed.

"That's why we're here. I told the guys earlier." I said.

"Well I'm happy for you. And so is Hopper once he gets out of his shock." Joyce fanned her husband's face.

"We all are." Nancy smiled and hugged El again.

"More Eggos, since I have a little person inside me." El giggled. I rolled my eyes.

"I left some here. Go." I laughed. El ran to the kitchen.

"Well," Will put a hand on my shoulder. "You're not dead. Congrats Wheeler."


yes, i have made will gay. im bisexual, so if you have a problem please leave. not just this book, this planet. your removal will be celebrated 

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