"Making you feel better"

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[Age 13+14]

Mike had been sick for days. He was coughing, sneezing, and was running a temperature. Eleven was worried sick about Mike. She was convinced that he was dying, so she was showering him with affection, thinking that her kissing his forehead all the time would make him well and happy. His forehead kisses made her happy after all.

Eleven and Mike were snuggling in her fort. Mike was dozing and Eleven was reading a children's book. All of a sudden, El started laughing at a picture. Mike sat up quickly.

"Wha-El are you okay?!" He asked, looking her over. She nodded and kissed his cheek, then between his eyebrows, then his forehead.  "El what are you doing?" He laughed.

"Making you feel better silly!" She had learned a new word from the book and wanted to use it. Mike smiled as Nancy walked down the steps.

"Eleven! Mike! It's time for lunch! I made Eggos!" she smiled as El poked her head out of the fort.

"Can you bring them down here? I'm helping Mike recover." Mike snorted at her comment.

"El you're kissing me. That's making me happy, but not well." Eleven pouted as Nancy nodded.

"Sure thing El" Nancy grabbed the two plates of Eggos and brought them down to the pair. Eleven cheered and ate all the Eggos in record time.

"Slow down El or I'm gonna have to take care of you after you puke!" El made a face at him.


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